Amazing rally driving skills

gadgetman, Mar 29, 4:29pm
This Finnish rally driver clips a snow bank, rolls around two times and continues driving! Pretty amazing.

richynuts, Mar 29, 6:03pm
Yeah thats how they roll over there. did sound as though something was rubbing or bent after the rollover, cool as didnt bat an eyelid

tool_shop173, Mar 29, 6:36pm
Pretty impressive.

trouser, Mar 29, 7:31pm
like a boss.

dasfi, Mar 29, 10:20pm
Like the Subaru it passed with the bonnet up lol

serf407, Mar 29, 11:05pm
F Cup in Finland - the rally equivalent to 2K cup. (2.20 and 4.25) (Ritmo and Avenger etc)(Historic rally)

mrfxit, Mar 29, 11:28pm
LMFAO, bugger didn't even have time to swear about it, just carried on regardless.

ignition328, Mar 30, 7:45pm

trade4us2, Mar 30, 8:00pm
Sustained loss of traction - car confiscated for a month!

whqqsh, Mar 30, 8:44pm
Don't know about 'amazing skills', if he had that much amazing skill he wouldn't have hit the snowbank & rolled, determination to keep going & finish however IS amazing

gadgetman, Mar 30, 9:38pm
Map reader :" Ei mitään, anna mennä normaalisti !"
Translation: " No worries, drive normally! "

gadgetman, Apr 4, 9:09am
Most cars would be confiscated in Finland in winter if that was a rule there.
I once managed to parallel park my Nissan Cherry by doing a U-turn in snow and the sliding sideways between already parked cars!
Something like this