What happend to the fuel prices

intrade, May 16, 5:42pm
just went to town wondering that there was not mutch traffic now , when i was going to get some petrol i got a shock its 30 cent more now in the last week or so for both petrol and diesel, So that explained why there was less traffic , i was thinking .
so the nz$ goes down 3 cent and the fuelprice goes instantly up 30 cent . or how does it work exactly ? anyone know more plausible what went on here?

brapbrap8, May 16, 5:58pm
Yes it was in the news, fuel companies stopped giving discounts/promotions for some parts of the country that meant people in the Manawatu etc were getting much cheaper fuel than everywhere else.
Now you are paying the same as the rest of us.

intrade, May 16, 6:06pm
huh it was cheap almost everywhere i went auckland to ruapehu taumarunui was 10 cent more but that was always the case. i filled at this petrol station that got blowen up by the twister in new plymouth for 1.14$ diesel if i recall right a few weeks ago.

upnorth, May 16, 8:08pm
It's harder to take when the jump-up is from the discounted price war to the norm.
Have to be thankful I filled several tankful when at $1.60

stevo2, May 17, 12:55am
I did a bit of a road trip today and noticed diesel prices as I drove.
Tauranga $1.34, I filled at Katikati $1.31, Pearoa $1.21? and Morrinsville $1.17. Matamata $1.29
Thats 17c cheaper in Morrinsville than Tauranga which is bizzare since its shipped into Tauranga and trucked out from here.
Price fixing in Tga me thinks

wsnownz, May 17, 1:20am
Try living in the South Island intrade.

neville48, May 17, 1:41am
I was in Napier last week and BP had 98 at 50c per litre dearer than 91. the whole system sux.

exwesty, May 17, 1:54am
I bought diesel in the mount two weeks ago for $.899 a litre.
Picked up some just outta Rotorua on Friday for $1.09 big difference to the $1.34 the servos in town were asking for.

intrade, May 17, 2:00am
its starting to be the same as with food prices. Ah we live on a island so that makes it ok when you get ripped off.
every 4 month the supermarkets add another 30 cent to items like nuts and yogurt get cheaper because they shrunk the content and then the larger yogurt vanish and the cheaper ones get sold for the other price . and we have to pay for milk what they can get oversees and now we have to pay even more again to up there profit losses. sheep have mostly been slaughtered and no sign of cheaper prices just more profits to the gungster bastards.

wardz4, May 17, 3:26am
Crikey -we've had cheap fuel in Whangarei for a long time but no longer !
$1.79 end of April, $2.04 now -same price as the little country garages.

trogedon, May 17, 3:57am
$2.01 for 91 yesterday at Gull here in Aucks.

twink19, May 17, 2:48pm
we are really being ripped off, oil is still under $60 a barrel, we are paying same as when it was $100 a barrel, and they say they only make a few cents a litre. yeah right

kiwisparky, May 17, 3:38pm
you got that wright .the price of fuel in usa is still cheap .we are getting fisted big time here .

flancrest, May 17, 3:57pm
Can't really compare. They produce most of their own, not import from halfway across the world. And our ridiculous tax component.

stevo2, May 17, 4:01pm
Just been driving around Tga and The Mount this morning before heading up to Aucks.
All around $2.049 in Tga but I filled up at Gull in the mount for $1.899

countrypete, May 17, 4:06pm
Noticed the same thing here in Wangavegas (sorry, that should be WHangavegas). Price has gone up by about 30cpl in one hit, in the past week or so.

a.woodrow, May 17, 4:12pm
Wah wah try living down south. Fuel gets offloaded at Bluff and we are paying 2.09. We never had the benefits of any price war.

smallwoods, Jan 26, 1:53am
Just don't buy bottled water when you fill up then, it's dearer than the gas tank.