Automakers costly gps map

phalanax, Jul 5, 2:34pm
Are they on another planet ?, especially when you can buy another brand new media unit with the latest maps for cheaper than a map upgrade. dont they realise if they were more realistic folk would buy their product rather than just install a new unit. lol. I guess they think they are the only ones that have stereos and gps systems. lol

ceebee2, Jul 5, 3:15pm
Venting are we!

noswalg, Jul 5, 3:22pm
Potentially it may not be their fault, they would be using a 3rd parties software not their own. That party may be charging the vehicle manufacturer a bit more than they can get away with charging Joe public, it's not unheard of.

intrade, Jul 5, 3:33pm
its why i liked the dacia-sandero with even a number 8 wire on a knob to move the headlight position in the car up or down manually.
no expensive crap on that.
first thing i was thinking was the world most stupidest idea was the cd player in a dashboard of them fiat , fiat in my opinion seems to have started this stupidity in cars.

2sheddies, Jul 5, 4:19pm
Unless you live in Jaffaland, where a new street, road or motorway seemingly pops up every other week, you don't need constant updates anyway. I'm still using a normal Navman GPS unit (not built in like OP's but same principle) with 2010 maps. continues to do the job perfectly.

gmphil, Jul 5, 7:04pm
arnt these for people who just cant read a map!
just follow the instruction lol

franc123, Jul 5, 7:09pm
In an era of readily available and mostly free smartphone nav apps and upgrades I wouldn't bother with either, and even better you can still use it as a pedestrian when out of the car. Standalone GPS units are soooo last decade.

petal_91, Jul 5, 7:20pm
Mercedes Benz hears you. You can now fully integrate your iphone with Google Maps and such right onto your car's console and control the phones functions directly from your car's controls.

grangies, Jul 5, 8:33pm
If I need to drive somewhere I've never been. I jump on Google Maps and commit the directions to my memory.

gunhand, Jul 5, 8:38pm
Yeeeea, that will pass as ya get older sonny. I had a memory once, somewhere.

mrfxit, Jul 5, 8:47pm
It's over . Umm there .
NO NO it's ummm here >>, a bit to the right . . or was that left . AARRHHHhh shite!

Found the creek ;-)

illusion_, Jul 5, 10:10pm
Usually free on the net if you know where to look and what you're doing. Google is your friend there. You will need to know the brand of your gps and what system it is using though

edit: but yeah . the dealers are extracting the urine

melonhead1, Jul 5, 10:33pm
Its easy to find your way around using this thing called a brain.

phalanax, Mar 14, 9:16pm
Sounds to me like alot of folk are driving 'vintage cars' on here. technology is years (near a decade) ahead of us in some places of the planet. sat radio. banking. books . weather, road cond warnings,book motels,order pizza all from the car live,theyre not called 'in car interactive media centres' for nothing. wonder how long it will be before NZ ers are truely up too pace with these technologies. as for the map upgrades. yep its so nice too know where the speed cameras are. and other spots of interest about. squinting at a cellphone in its holder is along way from voice alert on screen display. about a traffic accident ahead. oh wait we have larry on 1zb will tell you (if he remembers). lol