Disabled Driving

jancemord, May 29, 3:19am
Would I be able to use this in NZ?

Would suit me to the ground?


tamarillo, May 29, 3:30am
Can't see why not. Ltsa control what one can do don't they?

martin11, May 29, 3:19pm
All mods to cars like this are done for people who need them and are certified for them to use . Have been with one person who had an automatic with the accelerator on the left of the brake . Car was certified for him .Normally a tag on their licence covering a mod such as this .
Do you actually need the mod to the accelerator ?

jancemord, Aug 24, 1:35pm
Yep I do I have mild Cerebral Palsy and my left sides effected and I just don't like the others were you have to press/pull to accelerate and take ur hand off the wheel. Give me a playstation or quad bike any day