Car repairs at a garage!

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intrade, Jun 5, 12:45am
their you go happy now?

kazbanz, Jun 5, 12:46am
How well dya reckon you could spell etc in dutch?
I used to utterly tear my hair out with intrades posts till I realised engrish is a second langwich for hims

strobo, Jun 5, 12:50am
. here ,hair, hare, hear
"spouting out there valuable knowledge " correction with " their" not "there" !

jmma, Jul 26, 4:05am
People who live in glass houses.
Brought = bring along
Bought = Buy Lol (o:

Uuumm remember this ?

Johnson 1991 70hp CDI unit,3 coils,4 plugs 1 brand new.all items work perfectly.I just brought all new parts when brought the boat.cdi unit has been tested and no faults found.coils all work as do plugs.