Ever sourced one from ebay. Comparing prices is a bit depressing lol. Almost $700 here and about $350 delivered from ebay. Just never keen on paying and not knowing if would turn up.
Aug 8, 4:38am
Good range of DeVilbiss gear available on Amazon if that's what you are looking for.
Aug 8, 4:40am
Im more a iwata man lol. W400, tried and tested. Mines about 10 years old and still going well but time for a new one.
Aug 8, 4:41am
Look for ebay guaranteed delivery & decent feedback, I'm rural and everything has turned up so far, from all over the place.
Aug 8, 4:44am
Excellent. I'm a supporter of NZ retailers (well trade price) but sometimes ya gotta wonder lol. There comes a time where price wins over loyalty.
Aug 8, 5:02am
Me too, if they have it in town I will get it local, but once it has to be sent I'll have a look around.
Aug 8, 4:50pm
Use Paypal and you have pretty much zero risk. Unlike here, ebay and paypal really support the buyer.
Aug 8, 5:05pm
I have bought untold bits and pieces on the bay. Usually obscure parts that u can't get locally. Only one problem in a decade or so of using, and that was resolved ok in the end.
Aug 8, 5:47pm
I have had no hassle with eBay or Paypal so far, everything turns up even from war torn countries. I will by as much locally as I can but my loyalty stops when your are paying 100% more.
Aug 8, 6:00pm
Gunman. What model of W400 are you looking for? Tradesaver has the Bellaria W400 and the WBX W400 for about $500 once you include GST. Even less if you just want the gun and don't need the pot.
Aug 8, 6:04pm
I've also heard good things about the Iwata AZ3 . I just ordered one for my son as his first "own" gun, with a 1.3mm set up, for under $200 delivered from Tradesaver. . Will be interesting to have a play with. They're made in Italy not Japan though. But I reckon Italy still has to be better than China? Maybe LOL? . Youtube has some good reviews on the Iwata AZ3.
Aug 8, 6:17pm
I still use my Iwata W-77. Good gun back in its day.
Aug 8, 6:31pm
There are still a few versions of the W-77 available brand new. I've got one with a 2.5mm set up, that I use for marine antifoul and heavy epoxies on concrete etc. Good gun!
That trader has great feedback and ebays money back guarantee. With the free shipping it's below the the duty threshold too. Hard to buy local when that is $320 delivered.
Aug 9, 12:37am
I thought anything over NZ $60 was taxable by GST nowadays?
Aug 9, 12:45am
ive never, ever had an issue buying stuff from ebay, whether it was $2 item from the states or over a thousand from asia.
Aug 9, 1:23am
That is a good buy! Even if you had to pay GST at the NZ border.
And I see for only a few dollars more, the same seller has the same gun but in 1.3mm which is even better.
I've tried an Italco 1.3 Sata copy and in my opinion of 24 year experience they are pretty crude. Not the same precision build as Iwata or Devilbiss. Waste of money. I used mine twice and sold it on here.
Even my old original W400 sprayed better.
I have heard great things about the Sagola 4500 though. They're an original brand of their own, and not a copy of anything. Huge in South America apparently. Tradesaver sell the non-digital Sagola 4500's for about $450 +GST.
Does your boss let you access Tradesaver for guns and tools?
Aug 9, 1:30am
Na, they don't. I just look at the smits group web sight and gives you an idea of whats whats. They are missing out by me (and no doubt many) not being able to see whats available, hence lookin at ebay. And don't really like buying before trying. Used Divilbiss and don't like for clear coats and 2k solids.
Aug 9, 1:37am
Heaps of talk about change, but not yet. They don't bother to collect duty until due amount is $60 or more. http://www.whatsmyduty.org.nz (no charge for US$209 with free freight.)
Aug 9, 2:07am
That's a bit mean of them if you ask me. You're the one making them money from your gun. On the Smits Group website, take about 1/3 off all the guns for Tradesaver prices.
If you ever want to know a Tradesaver price, ask me on here and I'll be happy to let you know.
Aug 9, 2:28am
I bought a touchup gun pot from ebay. A UK seller.
Oct 27, 9:09pm
Sweet as mate
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