Moped rear axle thread

056cripz, Oct 23, 11:19pm
Noticed the rear axle thread is stuffed rite at the beging of thread and cant get nut back on "engine may have fallen on its side and hit axle on ground" is this an easy fix?

kazbanz, Oct 23, 11:26pm
Clean up the thread with a thread file.
But is it a push through axle or part of the drive unit?
If its a push through axle then might be cheaper to grab a new axle--given its a cheap enough part

056cripz, Oct 23, 11:40pm
Part of the unit not a push through one, where can I get a thread file for cheap? Thanks

yz490, Oct 24, 12:38am
If it's only fallen over it shouldn't be 'that' bad but if another reason--well?. Cheap fix just taper off the first few threads with a good fine file & wind the nut on if it'll start. Even better if you had a spare nut & put a hacksaw cut through one side to let it spread a bit & act as a cheapy thread chaser--or cut a few mm section out of one side to let it realy scratch away & gather the scratchings lol--bit of oil & wind it on & off as few times & she'll be good to go, guarantee it.

ema1, Oct 24, 5:41am
Find out what thread it is and buy/borrow the appropriate die nut and recut/clean over the damaged thread, taper the lead threads to allow easier and correct mounting of die nut. et voila.

danchop, Oct 24, 5:55am
get hammer and tap the nut on the thread then wind it gently on with lube and a spanner,wind it on off a few times to make the nut back at home

marte, Oct 24, 7:15am
Do #2, #4 & #5.

If you cannot get a thread file. ($$$)
Do the cut nut idea. If the bolts mushroomed on the end, file the excess off. Wire brush any grit off. Oil it up.
Open the gap up on the nut and thread it on completely.
Then squeeze it shut with visegrips and unwind it by 45°, then wind back on by 30°, then unwind by 45° until its off.

yz490, Oct 24, 5:05pm
tricks eh! --all good tricks. Here's another i thought of [but not tried]. Cut the spare nut right in half & fit the halves against the good thread the slide a deep single hex socket over it & wind it back off--after tapering the damaged bit of course. Might not work. Will be 12x1.25 or 12x1.50 thread pitch. Question--do nuts come in different tensile strengths like bolts do?, i ask because many years ago at work we started getting cheaper quality bolts--just thinking mainly 6mm at the mo--& started stripping easily, then i think we got back to 8.8 quality but then nuts would give up far too early. 'Was' 25+ years ago!

marte, Oct 26, 4:55am
Yeah, theres a bunch of different strengths of bolts, theres lines on the head to differentuate between them.
And the 8.8 is the standard high tensile quality bolt.

Socket headed cap screws are all high tensile.

I like your idea of using a socket slammed onto the nut.

056cripz, Oct 27, 8:28pm
thanks people going to take it into a biker shop today and see what they say if it costs to much will have to try some of these suggestions :)

056cripz, Dec 16, 11:21am
got it fixed at an engineering place only $23.60 thread was heli somethinged lol. forget what it was called now.