Car radiator cap not hot

ppgirl1, Apr 30, 12:49am
Driving to work this morning and my temperature went way up to hot for bout 5 seconds then dropped back down to normal.(half way). Stopped and checked water. Noticed radiator cap was still cold. as I started to take cap off it started to heat up as the water started coming out. What could the problem be. Thanks

wind.turbine, Apr 30, 12:55am
stuck thermostat?

ppgirl1, Apr 30, 2:21am
Ok. Thanks. Will get a new one

jmma, Apr 30, 2:38am
Hang on a minute, what is the make, model and year of this vehicle, milage also a help.
Has anything been done to the car recently?

ppgirl1, Apr 30, 3:06am
2001 VX holden. 180,000k and nothing done to engine recently

monsieurl, Apr 30, 3:57am
Sounds like a dead thermostat, best way is too feel the lower hose and top hose after its warmed up and if one is cool and other is hot, that's your issue.

sparkyz, Apr 30, 4:19am
. or it was just the temperature gauge throwing a wobbly!

monsieurl, Apr 30, 4:26am
Doh. Yeah good points!

kazbanz, Apr 30, 4:39pm
There ya go--all the info together
IMO in order of probability
1)theres an issue with the gauge and its first time you've noticed it fritzing.
2)stuck thermostat.
3)temp sender unit faulty
4)blocked radiator.

bjmh, Apr 30, 4:43pm
vx. check the radiator cap hasn't come apart. common fault . check it cold.

tony9, Apr 30, 9:01pm
A modern (less than 40 years old) thermostat will fail in the open position.

Looks like low water level to me, have you got a slow leak?

ppgirl1, Feb 17, 10:45am
So I got home tonight and temp was ok, top and bottom hose, radiator and cap all nice and warm as well. Just seems all normal