Can I tow a front wheel drive auto for about 8km safely ? I read conflicting opinions online. Some say ok, if put in N, & towed slowly, while others say no, get it onto a tow truck ? Vehicle is a 1992 corolla fxgt.
Oct 16, 9:34am
Read the owners manual. it will be online. They all differ and some are tough as and some suffer. Really hard to tell if we don't know what it is. but google the make and model with "owners manual" and you will be able to read the manufacturers recommendations.
Oct 16, 9:39am
92 corolla 8k is a bit far what is wrong with it.? if the transmission is fine you would want to crank it over for a bit every few km this would help to lube the trans and build some vaccuum for the brakes also
Oct 16, 9:42am
Engine just died. possibly electrical . ?
Oct 16, 9:44am
they are bullet proof does it have a aftermarket alarm? or cambelt broke? These are the 2 things that would stop a corolla.
Oct 16, 9:49am
Out of fuel can cause it too. or a fuse. or an electrical failure. or a dozen other things.
Read the manual. lots of cars they say you can tow for twenty-five km at no more than twenty-five kmh. And it's a good idea to overfill the transmission if it's getting near the recommended limits. so the oil will splash around since the pump won't be working.
Oct 16, 10:22am
no alarm, cambelt has been done . engine warning light came on, then engine died . ecu ? engine still turns over.
Oct 16, 3:30pm
There ya go - do what intrade sez in #3.
Oct 16, 3:38pm
Went back to the car about 12 hours later, & bingo ! . started straight away, drove home no problems. But . it'll happen again, & next time it probably will be in a prick of a place, half way up a hill or something, so will be getting it looked at.
Oct 16, 5:45pm
It'll be the ignitor!
Oct 16, 5:51pm
ignitor ? or is this a wind up ?
Oct 17, 2:22am
think he means igniter. A little silver box that sits near lh strut tower on Toyotas of that era. It's a common failure stops when hot works when cold. Or just fails completely
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