'Electric shock' when getting out of my car

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wairana, Oct 7, 12:39pm
I often get a shock getting out of my car when I touch the door to shut it. Only way to avoid it that I have found is to shut the door with my arm rather than my hand. But I often forget.
Any ideas how to stop this happening would be appreciated, thanks

gpg58, Oct 7, 12:48pm
Hold on to a metal part of door or frame before stepping out of car(not plastic handle), hopefully that will then disperse the charge to ground.

intrade, Oct 7, 1:53pm
wear different cloths .

joanie04, Oct 7, 2:58pm
To quote a mechanic I know in response of this question from an older woman. "I don't mean to be rude but I suggest you change your underwear", lol. Nylon is particularly bad.

visak, Oct 7, 3:02pm
Some cars have strips under the car, which earth the car, so that you don't get static shock.

yogibearz, Oct 7, 3:13pm
post 2 is correct, earth yourself while still sitting in the car. Rubber strips under the car do nothing

amuso, Oct 7, 3:23pm
+1 again. Grab hold of the metal of the door frame and put your foot on the ground to earth any charge. Soon becomes second nature and no more zaps.

wairana, Oct 7, 3:35pm
Thanks for suggestions, and i dont wear nylon underwear haha

yz490, Oct 7, 3:38pm
I have an earth strap & it's never worked My honda is 'so' bad' all the time. I mostly just have cheapy warehouse tracks on plus probably similar top & WHACK--$%^*. Has some very fluffy seat covers that aggravates the situation. Wore different tidy clothing today & nothing although still waiting for it but gets ya when ya not waiting! lol. Other honda ]many old hondas] has leather seats & nothing 'ever' regardless of clothing. So i recon cheapy acrylic or whatever those Rivet brand tracks are plus Fabric or cloth seats or fluffy seat covers are a guaranteed shocker. Come to think--honda 3 has cloth seats [original cloth or fabric] & doesn't do it so must be the fluffy covers on honda 1. Confused?--old & confused 'me'. ps, often wonder--after the event--could it start a fire at a petrol station except if it whacks ya then it's gone by the time ya walk to the filler cap & pump.

intrade, Oct 7, 4:01pm
you must be waearing some disimilar stuff to get electrically charged while fidgeting abouts in the car seat. you know what i man i dont say you have a fidgeting problem but thats how it charges .

cheviot, Oct 7, 4:41pm
Use fabric softener for your clothes. They are causing static charges from them and your seat covers.

tmenz, Oct 7, 5:23pm
Does it also happen on a bus when there's no conductor?

gpg58, Oct 7, 5:49pm
some folk leave their door open and head straight for fuel cap, so could perhaps, if vapours leaking enough.

sw20, Oct 7, 6:11pm
My Corolla used to zap me all the time, grab the window frame when getting out, no more zaps. Doesn't happen in the Blade though.

mechnificent, Oct 8, 5:29am
Yup. this and what Joanie says in particular. It's your undies. haha.

sheena32, Oct 8, 6:06am
used to happen a lot too me ,had a st182 celica .
one day got home used my arm to get out push door closed with foot thinkin ha not this time .
turn around reached for the mail box and u guess it worse one i ever had .
needed new mail box after that lol
was told stop puttin shirts in dryer !

mecanix, Oct 8, 8:59am
put a different seat cover on.

joanie04, Oct 8, 9:27am
The change your under wear is a quote from probably over 30 years ago lol.

mechnificent, Oct 8, 10:57am

My wife reckoned it was synthetic clothes. I just like to think it's the underwear.


mechnificent, Oct 8, 11:03am
We should do a poll because in my experience it's always woman that gets the shocks. men in the same sort of clothes, more or less, like not dresses, but both being in synthetic modern, or both in cotton hippy, and it's the women still.

I've got into probably I suppose. thousands of cars. and never got a shock.
And I'm male for the record. but have worn dresses for a few special occasions. (A guy likes to feel nice occasionally. )

mechnificent, Oct 8, 11:04am
I'd have to admit. I've never worn a bra.

that could be it.

ban the bra.

gpg58, Oct 8, 11:17am
No i do not ever wear dresses or lingerie, am male, and still get wicked shocks if i do not take holding door frame approach.
Also get them anywhere i am, from light switches, lift buttons, chairs, fridge and whatever, at home i touch stuff with my keys or something metal, or even my knee first (but usually only needed in hot dry weather).
I usually wear jeans and cotton blend shirts mostly, but nylon briefs and socks.

Note i also have trouble with touch screens reacting before i even touch them, samsung's were worst(huawei is fine).

mechnificent, Oct 8, 11:23am
Oh ok. I know a few others a bit like that Gpg.

Perhaps some are high charge and don't need synthetics, some will charge with synthetics or silk, and some are non-chargeable.

rob_man, Oct 8, 11:24am
Obviously you need to be earthed then, try dragging a wire behind you everywhere you go.

esky-tastic, Oct 8, 11:28am

Best to touch a bare metal part like the striker/latch on the door-post