MUSTANG '07 GT V8 4.6l Octane

rabidginfairy1, Aug 18, 8:01am
Hey all just bought the above vehicle but cant find recommended fuel Octane rating. American website saying 87 is fine but not entirely sure what this means, if we use the same ratings here etc. Anyone know? Cheers

tgray, Aug 18, 8:17am
I would be putting high octane in it.

the-lada-dude, Aug 18, 9:22am
Here, . sift through this chart, your question would be answered with 91 nz octane a splash of toluene will lift your rating . adding extra N and O atoms you can modify the mix to ( trinitrotoluene ) TNT . and that be a real blast

jmma, Aug 18, 10:29am
Great chart, must print that one off, will save my ink :oP

s_nz, Aug 18, 12:05pm
USA uses the (R+M)/2 Octane measurement. NZ uses RON measurement

87 (R+M)/2 = 91.1 RON octane

So putting in regular fuel should be fine.

petspitstop, Aug 18, 12:52pm
Std 4.6L = 91

friendly_prawn, Aug 18, 2:36pm

Not sure what the hell you're talking about but it sure sounds good.

m16d, Aug 18, 2:43pm
Jeese. if you can afford a Mustang, then surely you can afford to put decent gas in it.

s_nz, Aug 18, 3:24pm
Nothing wrong with running 91 RON octane in an engine that was built to run on it.

framtech, Aug 18, 4:35pm
Ford are tuning the crap out of a crappy engine with higher compression and tolerances etc , What you can't see is the cars computer retarding the spark and doing other stuff to run on NZ's shitty fuel and thats not a good thing. Personally I would run 95 or 98 Octane and whatever you do, don't run blended fuels. Its screws with O2 sensors etc, same with other high octanes which have lead. You can't tell all this because the cars computer doing the hard yards unless you know what you are doing and have the rolling road and test equipment, besides all that, fuel is the cheapest cost of running a car, so buy better fuel.

rabidginfairy1, Aug 18, 4:38pm
Thanks all, I'll run the cheapest fuel I can after buying the damn thing lol! Where is the chart tho lada dude? am I blind?

thejazzpianoma, Aug 18, 6:10pm
If economy is the issue, I would suggest you actually test both fuels. Most cars I have tested don't cost any less to run on low octane because they don't run as efficiently.

the-lada-dude, Aug 19, 11:27am
SORRY chaps, why I keep on omitting the good bits, I really don't know why ? I must make the effort to lie on a couch, and have someone examine my thought process . or lack of it

sharchew, Aug 19, 11:28am
My mate has one runs it on 91.

mgmad, Aug 19, 11:33am
We have that engine, albeit in a different car. Our manual says 95 RON, but that is based on the European market. I personally wouldn't run it on 91.

lookoutas, Oct 20, 11:14am
This - and when you do it, you will find that you get more miles per tank using the higher rate. Then do the sums.
After doing this myself, I won't bother using 91.