Attempt to steal my car

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mikaerewebb, Jul 19, 8:41am
Hi all my Mazda Demio was the target of a thief or thieves lucky I woke up 4am and disturbed them. the police came around within 24 hours and said in my distict in the last week 7 Mazda Demios had either been stolen or attempted stolen. Apparently the most stolen car in NZ at the moment easy to steal because of the triangle window in the back door. Easy to pop a hole in with a screw driver and reach in and open the back door from the outside. All the most stolen vehicles on the Dog and Lemon list of most stolen cars in NZ have this weakness (Quick Fix ) put the child proof lock on so the the back doors cant be unlocked from the inside (oh yea and get a car alarm lol)

msigg, Jul 19, 8:45am
Yes put a kill switch in and they won't go anywhere. Easy as.

dbest, Jul 19, 8:48am
How about a steering wheel lock. Do those work as a deterrent ?

saxman99, Jul 19, 9:07am
5 seconds to remove.

the-lada-dude, Jul 19, 10:25am
Ah yes , the o'l shotgun trigger, to sting, to door,,,, kill switch

bashfulbro, Jul 19, 12:21pm
Wire it up to 240 volts at night.

ladatrouble, Jul 19, 1:01pm
Mazda, always been the most stolen. apart from when they were badged as Fords, then fords were the most stolen.

tim41, Jul 19, 1:08pm
good one,have one done this?

flack88, Jul 19, 1:20pm
You would not have thought it be the first choice of a shitbags getaway car? !

thejazzpianoma, Jul 19, 1:25pm
Sadly most of the crime is done by a fairly small amount of criminals. It's imperative that we concentrate on this core group in order to get crime down. Unfortunately, this is something our Police are terrible at, they waste too much time going through the motions and not enough time getting on and prosecuting. Then of course there are our courts, punishments and rehabilitation options which are also not what they could be.

saxman99, Jul 19, 1:38pm
Years ago there was a case of a dude who got sick of lowlife scum interfering with his car and so did just that. A dog ran onto his property and when the owner went to retrieve said animal he touched the car and got a decent zapping. The court found the car owner guilty of causing injury to the dog owner even though he should not have been there and should not have touched the car.

Turns out you are not allowed to set booby traps to stop crims.

sr2, Jul 19, 1:40pm
Is this the earlier 2,000's Demio or the later body shape?

kazbanz, Jul 19, 1:53pm
Theres a few ways of making a Demio less of a thief magnet.
technically illegal but replacing those little windows with polycarb slows them down a LOT.
fitting a decent alarm-dual immobiliser type brings the Demio up to the same level as any other mid 2000's vehicle.
Imobiliser switches are a good call too.
Interesting conversation a couple of days back that the police ran a nice little sting operation a few months back in south Auckland. left a demio sitting around and waited for it to be stolen. Busted about 20 crims in the act.

two9s, Jul 19, 2:05pm
Wire it up to the mains, and it'd be just like one of those "goodnature A24 rat traps. Zaaap! another one bites the dust.

nave12, Jul 19, 3:27pm
Install a magnavolt system,works a treat.

thejazzpianoma, Jul 19, 3:43pm
Nah. with that they get in and soil your nice seats with their common criminalness. This is better.

thejazzpianoma, Jul 19, 3:44pm
But why bother?
They are underwhelming surprisingly thirsty and at best average cars anyway. Just buy something decent.

mikaerewebb, Jul 20, 9:43am
2006 Demio

tim41, Jul 20, 12:03pm
god yea,are the thieves 80 year old ladies

sr2, Jul 20, 1:05pm
Thanks, so we're obviously talking the earlier shape. We've got a couple of the later shape Demios in the family and as much as I find them to be an uninspiring drive (to say the least!) they are a reliable and economical solution as a 2nd car for the ladies to use around town.

tegretol, Jul 20, 1:30pm
What's wrong with one of these: ?

Works a treat on my machine - even the little tosspots who think they have the right to poke and prod it are deterred. Can even leave it in the Pack&Slave carpark with the keys in it.

bumfacingdown, Jul 20, 1:44pm
That sort of flies in the face of
"Unfortunately, this is something our Police are terrible at, they waste too much time going through the motions and not enough time getting on and prosecuting."

bumfacingdown, Jul 20, 1:49pm

supern0va, Jul 20, 3:09pm
I had a car with a cut out back in the day and it saved my bacon. Was wired to a spotlight switch. Had a good steering wheel club on it too, and they just got a hacksaw and cut the steering wheel and the club then fell off when they flexed the wheel. The car was parked off street on gravel and I dug a wee trench where the gravel met the concrete. You could back over it no problem under power, but pretty hard to push the car over the lip under no power.

kazbanz, Jul 20, 3:39pm
I never posted those words.anybody that did should perhaps go somewhere where they are happy with the police.