Accurate pricing when selling a 1980's car:

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kevymtnz, Aug 14, 5:02pm
all above mean nothing, its worth based on the rust it has and the interrior then engine etc condition would be next

tweake, Aug 14, 5:18pm
yeah but if its got the 2.2 or 2.4 diesel then i doubt many will even look at it.
if its got the good engine someone may buy it just for the engine and scrap the car.

shauna6, Aug 15, 6:24am
Kept in a garage, regular wash/polish, had paint touched up with original colour paint. A 5ME engine was replaced around 10,000 km.

shauna6, Aug 15, 6:26am
Thanks for the advice will take a look at the website.

shauna6, Oct 26, 8:11am
2.8, petrol.