Works off the bluetooth platform requries somebody in range with the app running to locate the tile.
Jul 5, 9:23am
Some tiles only last a year then you have to replace them or pay an annual fee. Read the small print. I took a set back to Harvey Normans for a refund as I wasn't impressed when I read the enclosed leaflet. Some are a bit of a con.
Dec 4, 10:11am
In areas of high population density where there are a lot of people using the app they work OK. My mate demonstrated the system to me in Sydney and "found" the location of his tiles immediately. As above they have a non-replaceable battery which will eventually go flat and so the tiles need to be replaced, however the new tiles will be better every time there's an upgrade. If you sign up for the annual membership the tiles are cheaper.
If someone steals your boat/car/whatever and takes it to a remote location they are unlikely to be useful. A proper GPS locator working on mobile networks will be much better.
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