who do you use ? mine is up for renew so thought id look around, new premium to be $500.00, triumph street triple 660 2015
Sep 3, 1:28pm
Motor bike insurance is as big a rip off as the rego. just get 3rd party and ride.
Sep 3, 2:43pm
Dont know your history and I dont own a street triple (unfortunately) so what I pay isnt relevant to you. Try Kiwibke for a quote and compare. I like Kiwibike for their trackday cover.
Getting 3rd party always seem like false economy to me as your paying for half a product. Many motorcycle accidents dont involve a third party and a decent bike is usually worth more thsn most imported shitheaps on our roads. Check and I think youll find full cover isnt much more when spread over a year.
Sep 3, 3:01pm
2nd for kiwibike.
Sep 3, 5:12pm
3rd for kiwi bike.
Sep 3, 5:53pm
I'm with protecta for my 1600 ccc bike. i've had lots of policies before.cos I'm 50 and have seen it all. this one is the cheapest but there are hooks. eg: You must tell them if ur going on an organised ride; whatever that means. Bike must be legal. steering lock must be on at all times. but heck there are 2 AA breakdowns and the policy has a small XS and the premium is cheep. NZ company too.
Sep 4, 6:38am
Protecta was 1100 a year for me. Kiwibike was 450
Sep 4, 9:15am
NAC $511 with $800 excess or $500 if burg/fheft , ins 10k for Suzuki B King, came with rd side assist.
Sep 5, 5:25pm
I'm with Protecter Ins too. Just in the middle of a rather large claim so let's see how they perform. So far so good but its early days. I used to be with AMI and Protecter almost halved the cost.
Sep 7, 2:24pm
Sep 7, 5:51pm
Hi, Has anyone had a claim with Kiwibike? And how did it pan out? Thanks
Sep 8, 4:55am
Bumping this, looking for info. Thank you in advance.
Sep 29, 9:11am
I have with NAC ,i crashed near Punakaiki, small prob that NAC didnt have a 'rep' to pick bike up back to CHCH for assessment but they happily paid for a mate to go get it and re imbursed him. They paid out write off within a month and were easy to deal with.
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