Scan tool recommendations

shotgunkid, May 12, 3:33pm
Hi looking for a scan tool for home use and looking for recommendations. Mainly to check for errors and reset service, inspection etc. Currently have a 2013 318 BMW and 2016 Kia Sportage. Tks

saxman99, May 12, 6:27pm
For my BMWs I have one of these:

Very basic but has all the scanning and reset functions I’ve ever needed, although you’ll need a different service reset tool (available very cheaply) to reset the service indicator.

intrade, May 13, 4:26am
Ok Scan tools They cost a lot of money and non will live up to its promise. Well some do, but that is only for the fact that you accidentally purchased a tool that's quite good at providing After-market factory level diagnostics.
Now Unless you have extensive know-how how!~ Can- bus Lin-bus most bus work then a scan tool can be of more confusion than help to you. The codes are symptoms of programmed parameters not within its target window. To aid as guide what to test and not what parts are faulty.
Example "Launch is quite good for nissan and toyota"
However you have 2 totally different cars and depending on what you would hope to get from a scan tool . Cheap ones are emission only tools, and there is bad emission tools also. Then there is code readers with no bidirectional test functions that have manufacturer codes. And then there are the ones with bidirectional hit-and-miss what's good for what.
And then there is the clone copy!

intrade, May 13, 4:40am
You have 2 totally different makes. Kia is G-scan factory scanner and BMW is ISTA. So depending on what you want to do you buy a cheap 1 car make only tool. I think Stahlcar lists a lot. They are a NZ seller, so you will get repair or replacement under cga NZ law if its failing premature.
Other option What looks the same as what I purchased in 2014 the idiag from launch= quite like that Thinkdiag they all seem to clone Launch software. with individual car buy software. a BMw guy recommends the topdon but a tool can work out cheaper when you buy software on demand in longh run.
My idiag is still supported but hardly gets update purchases but i did buy Toyota from dbscar=launch logon as that was showing as update 2021 as others are stuck in 2016.

intrade, May 13, 4:44am
You would want to watch LM auto repairs to see what tools you need to really find problems and how all tools can fail to do what you want to do and the hacks you have to come up with.
A, maxisys Autel is between 4 and 9000 dollar NZ

strobo, May 13, 4:46am
Resetting service indicators such as oil/brake pads/brake fluid etc can be achieved different ways most common way is done by toggling buttons on dash or steering stalk with key on/off positions , without need of a plugin scan tool. But always read what scan tools are suitable for the vehicles you have before splashing out and read the reviews on said product.! Cheap Autel Maxi link brand seem to have a vast range of product for specific tasks and others that require all sorts of updates online! the product becomes defunct with out the online updating ,most have trouble with and end up getting "no linking errors" Autel beware! just saying :-) better to go a service agent and probably cheaper in the long run! ,

intrade, May 13, 4:53am
basic rule is launch and autel are the 2 player who have taken the 16000+$ price tag lower with a more competitive price and equal software supply. However, warning if its to cheap= it's too good to be true like for example a Creader from the launch range will be trash compared to the bosch tool supercheap sell for more money. But for more money you also get better tools from the other brands.
The real answer unfortunately is " How long can a piece of string be made?"

intrade, May 13, 5:04am
Example I have 1. launch-idiag 2. eucleya-tabscan-pro 3 modis ultra-snapon 4.snapon obd1 5. Xtool-key programmer 6. Xhorse-iscancar-vag-only-pinco-
de reader. 7 Rosstech-vcds-vag-only 8. Tech-2 with all cards-suzuki-holden-saab-isuzu-
-opel-GM 9. A faulty clone of the Star diagnostic mercedes. These tools cost a hell of a lot of money, and you can be sure that I would be the last one to buy all this if 1 tool could do it all.
This is just of the top of my head.
In the USA there is a guy who owns 250 grand US worth of scan tools to be able to do his job programming diagnosing and flashing cars.
The sky is the limit, and you still won't be able to do it all

intrade, May 13, 5:42am
top don- thinkdiag bmw guy.
to me topdon can do less if you listen what he said.

budgel, May 13, 6:51am
I have a slightly different version for my BMWs, Creator are good value for money.

intrade, May 13, 10:25am
13 that trash you recommend is emission only if it works at all.

4.11, May 14, 1:20am
you really need to concentrate on being more constructive
the OP asked a straight forward question, you reply in the most long winded hard to read explanations ever, then rubbish everyone's advice like your some forum god , frikken hell chill out

intrade, May 14, 4:47am
interesting how someone can get offended by What they perceive to read.
i was just pointing out the poor quality in a short as possible TXT. I did buy these things well 1 only of the 10 $ ones when i started out and scratched my head at first at the gibberish it produced then it did stop working . and i progressed to learn . and the result was my post about them product. I once got sort of offended by a post on youtube reply and it turns out the poster did not write it in his mind as i did read it. So just keep this in mind . Regards intrade

intrade, May 14, 4:56am
The problem with them 10 bux ones 1= you don't know what you get 2= they are emission only obd2 and eobd2 is global emission= no codes for manufacturer have to be accurate . 3= the cheap ones have often only got canbus soldered on to the pins, but global emission is on other pins also.
4= the one i have did stop working the pins moved inside the tool because its trash made as cheap as possible and thats where the C country is masters at making stuff so cheap that it only just works.
5= danger to cause harm to the cars onboards diagnostic port from these cheap post #14 trash.
You can see how calling it trash s far quicker then to write a whole book first.

cjohnw, May 14, 6:33am
I would not usually respond to anything you post as a matter of course. However that sentence illustrates the poor grasp you currently have of the English language.
You cannot “perceive to read” anything. You either read something and understand it or not, and you simply cannot perceive to be offended. You either are offended or you are not.
If you are going to continue to post long-winded posts like those above you really do need to, at least, use correct spelling, grammar and some punctuation.
That way at least, people may get a better understanding of what you are trying to convey.
I am sure you are trying to give useful and constructive advice, but currently you mostly post gibberish.

jmma, May 14, 8:47am
Are you here to pick on intrade or do you have some constructive advice for the OP.
I haven't got any for the OP, but I couldn't ignore your post, just scroll on by!

cjohnw, May 14, 9:45am
Yeah, knew I would get flamed for trying to point out to him why he continually attracts criticism such as in post #15 above.
Congratulations on being the first.

intrade, Aug 7, 2:55pm
Ok watch this I just got spammed by this morning and its quite good anyone who does not own a professional scanner should watch this.