GPS speedometer

rpvr, Dec 20, 3:53pm
I have a GPS speedo in my car, admittedly just a $50 cheapie bought on here. Today I pulled into my garage, and didn't turn off the ignition straight away as I was listening to a news item on the radio. After several seconds, I noticed the speedo was still showing 5kph. So I watched, and after another couple of seconds I suddenly sped up to 7kph, then down to 3kph, up again to 4kph, before finally falling to zero. All this while completely stationary. So much for accuracy.

shakespeare6, Dec 20, 3:58pm
I’ve got one in an old wagon a cheap one off here and when you stop it scrolls through - distance traveled , average speed and elapsed time then shows 0
Sure it’s not that?

sw20, Dec 20, 3:59pm
Your second sentence is at odds with your first.

nice_lady, Dec 20, 4:07pm
got a smartphone ? Check it against a GPS speedo app on that. Theres many free ones available.

saxman99, Dec 20, 4:33pm
In a garage the unit will struggle to get an accurate fix so it thinks it’s moving around a bit and thus a speed reading is generated. Outside with a clear view of the sky it should be very accurate, however it is likely only updated every 1 or 2 seconds so it’s always ‘slightly behind’. I checked mine by performing a timed run at a constant speed over a known distance on level ground in a straight line and it was bang on. If there are tight turns and rapidly changing altitudes or a restricted view skywards they may be less accurate.

franc123, Dec 20, 7:42pm
A blonde moment obviously. I think someone needs to study how GPS works and why it won't work when inside a garage lol.

sandypheet, Dec 21, 1:54am
I have two vehicles that came with speedos so dont have a need for another but there is one in my gps should I need it.

skull, Dec 21, 3:28am
I'm with you sandypheet, my vehicle also has an operating speedometer and I know how many k's it is over by so it's never a problem to know how fast I'm going plus it works in tunnels and deep within the bowels of spaghetti junction.

rpvr, Dec 21, 10:02am
It did this inside my garage which I had just driven into, but the door was of course open so it must have been picking up a signal.After falling to 0 it kept displaying this until I turned the ignition off. If I go into a covered carpark, it of course loses all signal and just displays flashing lines.

rpvr, Dec 21, 10:06am
I like the big digital display because I can see it in peripheral vision without having to look down.

sirdoug, Dec 25, 3:32pm
Will only start at 7 k then function accurately, It just got confused when you entered the garage, I have one on a phone mount and it is so good .Not constantly looking at a analogue display,

intrade, Dec 27, 4:12am
i always see if it matches them signs who tell your speed and its maximum ever 1kph difference if any . most accurate on straight roads as it pings of satellites and calculates the delay for your speed.
some older stuff run on satellites that have already turned to meteorite and only get not enough satellites to connect would also explain inaccurate readings

lookoutas, Dec 29, 4:34am
Mine will looze contact if there's high trees either side of the road. Can't believe one will run in a tunnel skull, definitely won't work in a shed or as said, in a car-park.
They're line of sight ffs. Can't see enough satellites, no work.

wind.turbine, Dec 29, 5:28pm
Most GPS mapping systems will continue to act like they are working through a tunnel because they are working on a prediction, it knows how fast you are going when you enter the tunnel, it knows how long the tunnel is so it shows you moving along on the map like it is still working like normal, but if you came to a stop in side the tunnel it will continue to think you are still traveling along at the same speed, until you are meant to get to the other end, it will give you a grace period then if it still cannot link to sats it will error, like wtf, where are you! ;)

lookoutas, Dec 30, 4:08am
That means it won't matter whether you slow down or speed up in the tunnel, the GPS will think you're going at the same speed as when you entered.
What is can't predict is how much of a dum-ass you are by thinking it will still be working.

intrade, Oct 3, 10:02am