The Right to repair take 2.0

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intrade, Feb 20, 5:47am

ronaldo8, Feb 20, 12:09pm
Deere have been at this malarkey a long while, they even sued a few farmers back in the day for repairing their own equipment. Its all about who owns the software, proprietary software.

The future is open source, and dinosaurs like Deere present a great opportunity for a competitor to provide a better, open, product.

bigfatmat1, Feb 20, 1:58pm
I have pulled apart John deere control units and found ic identification markings have been scratched off. Making units un repairable.

franc123, Feb 21, 3:33am
Nothing new about this sort of behaviour from American corporations where IT is involved. If you don't like how they treat you as a customer, dont buy their gear. You can wager most of these failures are known faults that they should be fixing for free anyway, either the result of either inadequate R&D or just cheap manufacture. Heavy electronic control of ag gear was always going to be problematic, it's a horrid environment for it to have to exist in.

intrade, Feb 21, 3:37am
some european car makes block erasing of dtc codes unless your j2534 is connected to mothership via internet.

serf407, Feb 21, 6:28am

intrade, Feb 21, 9:07am
we need a right to repair act in new zealand.

intrade, Feb 24, 4:21am

intrade, Feb 25, 7:26am
this explains how apple phone repair is all linked in banning you to repair your own car.

realtrader1, Feb 25, 8:08am
None of this is accidental. The core reason for electronic control was never about emissions etc. it is about control and removal of control from the individual. It is happening across the board incl the car industry and it will only increase. EV is a further progression of it but even without that, ICE has become throwaway and you buy into the programme of more and more ever sophisticated tooling the number of which grows and grows along with the $'s involved in their purchase!

franc123, Feb 25, 4:17pm
Things DID have to change. Places like California would be an inhospitable health hazard by now if everybody was still driving 20ft long 2tonne cars with uncatted 400ci V8's blowing out partially burnt leaded gas at a rate of 15mpg at best.

intrade, Feb 26, 4:05am
well the knotheads in california take it to the extreeme. if you look at rockauto everything for sale there causes cancer in the state of california.
and tiger woods almost killd him self again in this new suv cars who mask the dangers of instability untill its all over.
yaw rate sensor faults randomly apply the brakes and can flip your suv . you can thank the government for making it mandetory to have systems who can kill you= stability control.

realtrader1, Feb 26, 4:41am

No that is where inspections come in. A big part of the problem IS the smog gear itself and the ridiculous designs leading to engines belching out unburnt fuel and carbonising up caused by all the add-ons to try to meet ever more stringent emission figures. Sure owner neglect is there too. But who actually needs electronic control of EVERYTHING? It is neither good nor sensible. It is certainly not good for the masses who rely on good secondhand reliable and economical transport! In itself it is part of the throw away strategy. At another level the throw away strategy is seen throughout the newer vehicle eg throw away wheel hubs and other items integrated and unable to be dismantled or the uneconomic viability to do so in other cases like engines! As for soft blocks due to overheating well that is also part of the throw away design and not by accident. The advertising for the SAME vehicle probably stated when new hey this car is great for the planet and your wallet!

franc123, Feb 26, 9:51am
How comfortable is the bed in your nuclear attack proof panic room? It might be a health hazard if you leave so make it the best you can. Motor manufacturers have to walk a fine line when it comes to building things people want to buy whilst meeting cost and ever changing environmental and safety regulations. The adaption of electronic controls makes all of this easier or in many cases possible in the first place. If you were to conceive, design and construct from scratch a car like a 1950 Morris Minor or VW Beetle in exactly the same way as they were then it would be more expensive to make and it wouldnt sell because its unsafe, uncomfortable, slow, not particularly economical and far too maintenance intensive for modern needs. Things have moved on.

realtrader1, Feb 26, 3:02pm
I answered your statement. You failed to answer mine.

franc123, Feb 26, 6:08pm
Isnt the manufacturers fault you're a technophobe and have unrealistic expectations of how long things should last. Pre 1990's cars got put off the road for rust far earlier than modern cars do because of electronic issues. You're too stupid to argue with.

realtrader1, Feb 27, 4:10am
Sadly you have done it again. I notice you lash out against people who dare to have a different opinion from yourself and enter into name calling. That is up to you. That isn't my way.

Regarding pre 90's rust, what is your point? Of course there was and that's unacceptable as is building intentional throw away items (I mentioned sealed wheel hubs as one example) and progressively filling cars up with more and more electronics. What is needed is affordability and quality, reliability and good service. That does not happen by chance. It is a change of philosophy and intention. This is in line with the situation with Deere and the protest that is going on.

intrade, Mar 2, 7:23am
The Independent: New EU ‘right to repair’ laws require technology to last for a decade.

realtrader1, Mar 2, 8:05am
"Can be REPAIRED for up to 10 years" which from the article means spare parts being available from the manufacturer for at least this length of time (this will be why in part the Holden advertising recently has been parts available for at least 10 years). Also the suggestion or perhaps shift will be toward eliminating special anti tamper screws on appliances and a generally easier method of dismantling incl eliminating pesky 'designed to break off' clips! Maybe this might flow on into car design and production. Don't hold your breath. Having said that it is an absolute no-brainer that the more sophisticated anything is coupled with the use of poor materials, integrated design incl being unable to dismantle certain components at all and high parts costs etc equals MASSIVE amounts of throwaway! Every way you look at it, it is very bad for all except the manufacturer but maybe not even the manufacturer ironically! How so? They MAY supply the parts BUT they will sell less when fewer are willing to buy at exorbitant rates! That will mean that they won't be willing to stock the parts! A vicious cycle caused by greed. So the article IS showing a step in the right direction! Will be interesting to see what transpires. Again don't hold your breath. Wait and see what plays out!

ronaldo8, Mar 3, 1:57am
Pure, unmitigated, garbage.

O no the electronic boogie man is going to get me! Its an evil plot and they are all in on it. What other "oppressed victim" flights of fantasy are you partial to ? The illuminati ? reptillians ? Qanon?

intrade, Mar 3, 6:45am

intrade, Mar 11, 1:39am

gsimpson, Mar 11, 6:52am
When did Holden finally use standard ODB2 in NZ & Aus? Only when NZ govt mandated it despite them being easily able to make it available sooner.
When I got my first computerised car I checked that I would be able to connect to it via a cheap cable and software. (A Euro)

intrade, Mar 11, 6:55am
could well be as i said obd2 is emission plug. vw are the only one from 1996 onwards to do everything over obd2 port including delete programming emission garbage.

the obd2 plug must be used for emission stuff from 1996 onwards. if cars dont comply to emissions like toyota to early to mid 2000 dont use obd2.
this plug is also used for factory stuff only because manufacturer did not wanted to have 2 plugs= cost cutting. this is how there is 2 rooms in 1 plug
some mitsubishi have had 2 plugs hence a Y cable is found on expensive diagnostic testers.
verso has mode 6 emission complete monitor. the funcargo has nothing but a unused canbus system only about 2012 they have had emisson monitoring+- for asian markets . euro faild emission= no wof there untill fixed.

intrade, Mar 11, 3:08pm