Car stolen! Asshoes removed the vin plate

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bobinnz, Sep 26, 1:49pm
What do we now have to do? Trying to work out if worth saving the car! Cost $500 to tow after being told $100. Sump dented to hell. Headrest tagged with a cigarette and touch up paint(just been resprayed) Just wish they would have wrecked the car and killed themselves. At least there would then be some positive news!

andy61, Sep 26, 1:53pm
I take it the car is uninsured?

intrade, Sep 26, 1:56pm
why are you useing that emiticon should it not be that one?

bobinnz, Sep 26, 2:07pm
Because I am old and doppy AND ANGRY!

annie17111, Sep 26, 2:10pm
So was it insured?

bobinnz, Sep 26, 2:10pm
Correct only had it 2 days! Slackass I know BUT if it is not yours leave it the F!@K alone C#%TS!

intrade, Sep 26, 2:21pm
i feel for you if i was prime mincer i would make it legal to shoot any theive without cosequences .
So what car is it make model year or post numberplate for carjam.

bobinnz, Sep 26, 2:32pm
You sound like my type of person! Car has been recovered by the police but for some reason they have removed the vin plate! Lucky they are on video just hoping we can get a copy and it is good enough to identify the POND SCUM!

curlcrown, Sep 26, 2:44pm
You must never let the Police get your car towed, they charge an exurbanite fee. Its a disgrace when someone has been a victim of a crime to be shafted in such a way. I've heard of someone else being charged a few hundred dollars to have the car towed across a couple of suburbs after being instructed not to tow the car. They should be challenged. Last year when I had a car stolen and I found it myself the police said they would finger print it but they would have to tow it and they wouldn't say how much it would cost, luckily I had heard how much they charge before that. when I told them to forget it they wanted to know who stole it. I told them I'd deal with it myself, they didn't like that much. Its horrible, I know how you feel and to deal with the Police just adds insult to injury.

lyrad, Sep 26, 2:58pm
Glad you're not prime "mincer" then. Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

gph1961, Sep 26, 3:00pm
bless you

sw20, Sep 26, 3:08pm
They are only really useful for an incident number for the insurance company.

Young fella I work with had his Hilux stolen from outside his girlfriends house in broad daylight on a Saturday afternoon. She then saw it across town outside a house at like 2am the following Friday night when she was getting an uber home from a party. She got the uber to stop and she checked it over and yep, it was the same one. She called him and he went over to where the truck was and they called police. Comms told them not to drive it and they would organise a tow truck for it to be picked up. They went home.

He got a call on Monday morning asking where the Hilux was as the tow truck was there to pick it up.

Absolute incompetence of the highest order.

lyrad, Sep 26, 3:13pm
Get in touch with a vehicle compliance centre, you'll need to get an entry agent to apply to re-affix the vin plate to the vehicle. They'll need a way of verifying the identity of the vehicle, likely using chassis or engine number + ownership papers.

The application goes to NZ Transport Agency, you'll also need to supply a copy of the police report detailing condition of the vehicle at recovery.

tweake, Sep 26, 3:23pm
you don't listen to police especially comms.
they think its been abandoned in a paddock etc, not parked outside the thieves home. they are not going to get an officer out of bed for a stolen car.

i've known guys who simply took it back.
one lot found a stash of stolen items, knew whose gear it was, rung them up and they all came and took it all back.
the thief whinged and moaned in court that some of it was his and they "stole" it. judge didn't take any notice of that BS.

curlcrown, Sep 26, 3:27pm
Unfortunately that story is quite believable. In my case I called a lock smith and waited by the car for a few hours until he arrived. No doubt if I had done what the Police wanted the car would have been long gone again.
Not much help to the person who started this thread but a warning to others. Don't expect the Police to be much help. As someone else said, only useful for insurance purposes.

bobinnz, Sep 27, 12:28am
Do you know the cost? Car cost my daughter $3500 now PLUS $500 TOWING FEE NOW + damage cause by the thieves!

bobinnz, Sep 27, 12:34am
You obviously have never been the victim of these assholes! I dont want an eye I want the lowlife DEAD! That way I KNOW he will never do it to someone else! I do hope your progressive naïve feelings are never dashed by some lowlife! DEAD CRIMINALS NEVER REOFFEND!

martin11, Sep 27, 3:07am
Got insurance ?

bobinnz, Sep 27, 3:47am
No only had the car 2 days still had insurance on the old car had not changed it over. She will not make that mistake again! Not that I believe insurance should be for assholes who cant leave what is not theirs alone! Insurance should ONLY be for accidents not asswipes!

tgray, Sep 27, 4:04am
Curious, what is the make, model and year of the car?

mrfxit, Sep 27, 4:19am
Pretty sure a lot of insurance policys will cover a new car purchase for a few days

gazzat22, Sep 27, 5:37am
She should have told the police her boyfriend and friends was waiting outside with a gun/axe for the thieves to come out.That would have got instant action.

annie17111, Sep 27, 5:44am
In regards to the tow fee, it doesn't even make sense to start the tow truck if it's only going to be $100 for the tow but the time you take in wages, truck costs etc.
Also insurance covers towing fees, so something to look into.

bobinnz, Sep 27, 7:12am
NO INSURANCE. Had a no tow sticker. Police at the scene said $100 so she then gave the ok!

toenail, Sep 27, 8:38am
Don't see the problem here. You normally have up to 30 days to arrange cover.


When you buy an additional vehicle for your use, we will automatically provide cover for that
additional vehicle on the same basis as your existing comprehensive cover under this Motor
Vehicle Policy from the date of purchase provided that:
1. you notify us within 30 days of the date of purchase, and
2. the additional vehicle’s purchase price does not exceed $100,000, and
3. you pay any additional premium that is required.