Car warrant.

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ottoitis, Jul 1, 9:04am
failed because seat belt fraying(see photo), and, spare tyre to be fixed/bolted to boot floor. https://trademe.tmc-

jmma, Jul 1, 9:38am

headcat, Jul 1, 10:24am
Pass your cig lighter along the frayed edge and it will no longer be frayed. Bolt down the spare and get warrant.

jaydeess, Jul 1, 10:29am
allway check those things before the warrant, that seatbelt one can be expensive.

sandypheet, Jul 1, 11:43am
Yea right

kazbanz, Jul 1, 12:08pm
The picture looks like minor pilling of the edge of the belt.
So I would give it a shave with a razor along the flat section then use a lighter carefully to burn off the last of the "fluff" on the edge.
With the lighter its definitely a case of less is best.

kazbanz, Jul 1, 12:09pm
Sorry I don't understand your point

trouser, Jul 1, 12:41pm
Take the spare out. It's not required for a wof. Bolt it down though sooner rather than later as you don't want it coming forward in a crash.

m16d, Jul 1, 1:13pm
You are not allowed to have the spare floating round lose in the boot, but it's OK to have the 20kg tool box sitting there not fastened down.

ottoitis, Jul 1, 1:39pm
Thanks for all your messages.

2sheddies, Jul 1, 2:56pm
Yeah well, that's just exactly how moronic the draconian wof system is. It's a bloody joke, nothing more. The sooner it's abolished and the onus placed on vehicle owners to keep their heap up to scratch, with appropriate consequences if they don't, the better.

sandypheet, Jul 1, 3:03pm
Burning a seat belt,how f. king dumb is that.

a.woodrow, Jul 1, 3:31pm
Don't be a dickhead all your life, running a lighter down the edge of a seatbelt is common practice, and it works

annie17111, Jul 1, 3:54pm
That seat belt looks pretty old and worn. What year car? I know a mechanic that failed a car for faded seat belts, she used shoe polish on them and tried to get him to pass it, was not impressed when it was still failed and tried to attack the mechanic.

nzmax, Jul 1, 4:03pm
You are only applying enough heat from a distance to remove the fine fibres, not dousing it in petrol and setting it on fire.

franc123, Jul 1, 4:18pm
Its a very common practice. NZTA as you very well know get all hot and bothered about this crap , a seatbelt actually has to be CUT quite substantially ACROSS the webbing before its ability to do its job in a frontal impact is compromised, lab testing has proven that. Minor edge fraying is just that, if it can be tidied up to prevent further deterioration of it, then fair enough in my opinion.

franc123, Jul 1, 4:21pm
Absolutely correct. Govt won't do that though because it will involve educating the Police and the public on these matters and have people who know what they are doing out there enforcing it. That's where it comes unstuck.

apollo11, Jul 1, 5:38pm
Gotta find a way to bolt down my Saint Bernard lol.

apollo11, Jul 1, 5:44pm
There is a large chunk of our society who will refuse to take responsibility for themselves regardless of what rules there are. The silly tart who cartwheeled her car through our fence at 100km/hr was busy trying to roll a cigarette, her car was an unwarranted heap of junk and she never bothered to get in touch and say sorry for the damage she caused.

clark20, Jul 1, 6:12pm
What lab testing would that be? Old and faded as well as frayed and it is substantially weakened. Safety wise is best to get a new one.

scuba, Jul 1, 6:56pm
If you have ever seen what a dog looks like after going through a windscreen maybe not so funny.If you value your dog at least consider buying a harness

scuba, Jul 1, 7:01pm
Its your choice to have a tool box or indeed any large object floating in the rear of your car .The tyre/spare assembly is supplied/secured as part of the vehicle so rightly enough should be secure.

johotech, Jul 2, 3:02am
On one of my vehicles, the franchise service department failed a seatbelt in a (just over) 3 year old vehicle for slight fraying on the seatbelt. It was obviously caused by the plastic on the inside of the clip having a slightly sharp edge.
I told them in no uncertain terms that I wasn't paying for it, and they better get it covered under warranty.

martin11, Jul 2, 3:22am
Yeah right there are enough unregistered and un warrented on the roads already with out making it easier .

franc123, Jul 2, 3:48am
Re read the post, I was NOT referring to any other damage other than edge fraying.