Car warrant.

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franc123, Jul 2, 3:54am
Which means that the system isnt that effective is it! Boyracers deliberately swap out parts that they know are illegal in order to get that precious sticker on their windscreen which apparently is protection against themselves and their own stupidity. If people wont learn responsibility, convert em into instant pedestrians and order them off the road and seize their wheels, and keep doing it, and keep doing it until they do learn it.

smallwoods, Jul 2, 4:05am
Loan one of our cars to a worker, who put a safety pin through the seat belt to stop the tang from sliding all the way down.
We didn't realise it when taking through for WoF and it got rejected, they wanted it replaced.
A friggin pin hole?
No fibers were cut or damaged.

Panel beater put a hot iron over it while doing rust repair (early corolla), went in and all passed.

alowishes, Jul 2, 5:20am
Very. correct, as mentioned in another post there are a lot of cars running around with no WOF or rego - and with bald tyres, head or tail lights not working for months and so on.

apollo11, Jul 2, 7:31am
That was a joke. We used to have a St Bernard, he would throw his 15 stone weight around in the back of the old wagon and make the rear sway. But yeah, would have been carnage in a front ender- for him and us.

apollo11, Jul 2, 7:38am
Watched a clip on Youboob, they bought an old sedan with a sunroof, put the hook of a crane through the sunroof and hooked it to the buckled up driver's side seatbelt. Lifted the car up about 20 metres in the air by the belt no problem. But the forces generated from a front end collision can be immense too. Seatbelts have broken in collisions, and you really want a safety factor of two or three for safety devices.

2sheddies, Jul 2, 11:11am
What part of "appropriate consequences if they don't" can't you understand?

What are the consequences now? F**k all, that's what. So explain how the current system is working better?

2sheddies, Jul 2, 11:15am
As much as we need a shake up of the system, I can't see it happening either anytime soon. The current system is a waste of time and money for all concerned.

Like you said above, some little pus bucket takes the bald, illegal offset rims off his heap , puts his mates ones on to get a wof, then puts the shit ones back on again when he gets home = illegal vehicle with a fresh wof lol.

franc123, Jul 2, 4:03pm
That is why tread depths are noted during the check, you cannot hold an inspector responsible for that rubbish. You're right, it's highly unlikely anything will change, changing it will only shift costs off the public and back on to the Government that they will only get back off you anyway. At minimum it would require a new state task force to be set up or else contracted to a private provider. Police won't want to know about it.

kiwilandchch, Jul 4, 11:58am
agree done it to pass my last wof. also been drying out my headlight with hair dryer for every wof for the last 4 years lol

sandypheet, Jul 15, 4:12am
Yep,every seatbelt manufacture recommends doing this.