Fuel prices

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elect70, Feb 14, 3:06am
notice petrol gone up buy over 5 c l whats the reason for this thought ardern& co were gong to fix the oil companies pricing

harm_less, Feb 14, 3:27am
https://oilprice.com/oil-price-charts/ Note graphs on right of page.

clangie, Feb 14, 1:34pm
ive noticed it creep up about 15c over the last few weeks, its bullsh§t

bill-robinson, Feb 15, 8:31am
buy your own crude oil and refine it in your backyard. after all amazon sell everything now. should be cheap as chips.

serf407, Feb 15, 9:08am
The Prez's executive orders rippling out to the global oil prices.
Expect just ever higher oil prices (over the long term, with fewer fluctuations) from now.

alowishes, Feb 15, 9:54am
The roads will be a lot less congested with people not being able to afford the petrol they need for their cars. Tuis Moment!

marte, Feb 15, 2:39pm
$2.24 now,
Was less than $2 start of Covid, was $2.40 pre Covid.

esprit, Feb 15, 4:37pm
The one thing I've noticed is the ever growing gap between 91 octane and the higher octane petrols. Years ago when 91 was about a dollar per litre, 95 was typically five or six cents a litre more expensive or about 5%. Now it's about 25 cents or so or about 12%. 98 octane too used to be about 18c per litre premium over 91 octane and now it's almost 50c.

Quite the rip off given how much of the base price rise is in tax, and tax affects all grades of petrol equally, which should serve to narrow the percentage gap between them.

sw20, Feb 15, 6:10pm
I won’t buy fuel from BP for that reason. They are not interested in competing on premium pricing. You can get 100 octane from NPD for 2.13 a litre in Christchurch. 98 at BP is 2.40. 95 at BP is 2.32, you can get it at Gull for 1.94. Pak n Save is the cheapest with the 10c voucher at 1.86.

kiwilandchch, May 3, 10:44am
I have not used BP for years they always higher priced and first to bump up prices even more

cjohnw, May 3, 11:05am
NPD are great for us gold card holders too, with 15c/l off. Helps now that Sticky has stopped.

apollo11, May 3, 11:07am
Not entirely undo-able. Peeps have been turning chip oil into diesel for yonks.

tygertung, May 3, 11:12am
Petrol is cheap as at the moment, was $2.50 not long ago.

ginks, May 3, 1:27pm
Jacinda was going to fix a lot of things ,all talk and no action.

tygertung, May 3, 1:30pm
But it is cheaper than before, so what is there to fix?

marte, May 3, 2:08pm
Petrol has gone up 20% in the last 12 months, was $2 litre, now $2.409

The benefit went up by less than $4 in that time, = to increase in petrol on 10 litres.

intrade, May 4, 4:33am
Went out for indian hot food my mate recons the marsden point is definitely all gone and only fuel storage . I have not seen anything to back that claim.

intrade, May 4, 4:34am
All poleticions promise what they dont keep. apart from trump who really did try and build the wall he had promised.

gazzat22, May 4, 4:40am
Nearly as bad as Nationall but not quite.!

intrade, May 4, 4:41am
She managed to keep the virus out only real achievement.

paul861, May 4, 4:45am
been waiting for 4 years for 100000 houses and 1200 extra cops, now i'm worried the silly tart is going upset the chinese, thats at least 50%of our income in jeperdy

intrade, May 4, 4:56am
21 if you dont want to upset the chinese you better hand over all you own to c . if you think hi---er was bad you aint seen nothing . nz if complet run by mafia. my posts and links have all been deleted by tradme From one news.

intrade, May 4, 4:59am
cheapest fuel in the last weeks was in oterhonga Mobile. with smile card 1.17 minus 6 c a liter diesel.

gunna-1, May 4, 9:02am
You dont need more cops, dont worry about upsetting the Chinese, its the thumb suckers needing the eagle eye poking its nose in everyones backyard that will cripple us on fule, get the gas guzzling monsters out of the sky and cancle police programs on tv, it tuely is the idiot box, trust me i,ve been tv sober for over ten years.

kiwilandchch, May 4, 9:28am
can u use gold card at prepaid ?