Picking car colour

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korban, Oct 2, 3:47pm
How do you decide on a car colour?

I can’t decide between blue or red.

lakeview3, Oct 2, 3:49pm
Depends which gang you affiliate with I guess.

lakeview3, Oct 2, 3:50pm
Joking of course it something to think about. or avoid.

korban, Oct 2, 4:04pm
Really? Never gave gangs a consideration, just eliminated the colours I did not like

lakeview3, Oct 2, 4:32pm
I would go for a white one myself. Safest colour. Easy touch up.

I was kind of half joking about the gangs but I do see lot of them driving cars in their gang colours that’s all.

lakeview3, Oct 2, 4:33pm
Red fades more easily too.

Silver and white easier to keep looking clean.

saxman99, Oct 2, 4:40pm

lakeview3, Oct 2, 4:45pm
they age badly. Hubby has a black one later model than mine. His looks shabbier than my gunmetal metallic grey.

clark20, Oct 2, 4:52pm
This is not the politics board, and go blue!

korban, Oct 2, 5:08pm
Don’t want white or black

bryalea, Oct 2, 5:19pm
never go red. they fall apart, have accidents and probably break down although have only experienced the first two.
Our team colours are blue grey and white.

toenail, Oct 2, 5:34pm

richardmayes, Oct 2, 7:39pm
Silver to hide the dirt, white to keep cool in the summer.

Red paint seems to be the worst colour for deterioration, on a car that lives outside. You see a lot of older Hondas that have faded from red to pink, and a lot of Fords and Toyotas where the clear coat over the red has fallen apart.

Most reds except for the very brightest shades of Orange-ish Red, are also quite dull dark colours on most cars when you see them in the wild, so you get people pulling out of side roads in front of you or overtaking in the face of you a lot.

So red looks great in the driveway, but isn't the most serviceable colour IMHO.

muzz67, Oct 3, 2:20am
Red car currently has a large shiny grille, and blue appears to have a very impatient driver.

annie17111, Oct 3, 2:29am
I wouldn't buy a red car. Mine is maroon and alright. I wouldn't buy another silver car either as it seemed like my car was invisible.
So go with blue

stevo2, Oct 3, 2:43am
Red cars go faster.

tgray, Oct 3, 2:49am
If buying second hand, then go for the best condition/price that either colour car you come across.
If buying new, make sure you go and compare them both personally, rather than just pics on the net.
I would say both colours are going to be popular, but that depends on what vehicle you are talking about.
You have not given enough info on your post to go further, but the bottom line is colour choice is very subjective to the individual and you are probably safe in choosing two popular primary colours as far as resale etc. Yellow, green, brown and orange colours are at the other end of the popularity scale.

barrie2, Oct 3, 3:03am
The blue also has lots of cracks on the powder coat of fascia.

m16d, Oct 3, 3:11am
Red car goes 1st, blue gives way.

bill-robinson, Oct 3, 4:16am
black or white no colour choosing to do.

amasser, Oct 3, 4:28am
Yellow is the most visible colour. Easier to find in a full car park.

kazbanz, Oct 3, 4:48am
generally I find Black to look great when its all polished up and new. Tends to either turn to crud or requires constant Maintenance to keep it good.
Red looks great and is totally full of promise when new.tends to fade pretty fast and constant /repeated patch up jobs (polishing) is required to attempt to keep that promise.
The blues tend to be the more reliable and dependable colors .Year in year out they look good and it seems with minimal Maintenance.
DARK deep blues and deep reds -ref Black.
Green tends to vary Some is very much like the blue others very much a variable so fades irregularly depending on the surface.
Yellow is a real fader
For longevity and ease of Maintenance I prefer the silver or white
This may be a comment on paint--or a political statement :-)

kazbanz, Oct 3, 4:49am
being serious-long term ownership blue seems to be a better bet paint wise

tamarillo, Oct 3, 4:59am
What is it? Different cars suit different colours?

gblack, Oct 3, 5:01am
Both? My car is 'South Seas Blue' which gets some compliments and paint looks like new on a 7 year old car.

My wife's Toyota is similar age and the red paint is holding up well with no sign of fade.

My daughter's Toyota is Purple. which is distinctive at least.