Picking car colour

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budgel, Oct 3, 6:49am
Toss a coin, then see how you feel about the outcome.

korban, Oct 3, 7:11am
Subaru Forester

sw20, Oct 3, 7:15am
Oh so sorry they have a different opinion.

tgray, Oct 3, 7:44am
If your buying a silver 25 year old car (Pulsar, Primera etc), touch the roof and bonnet with your hand to see if it's sticky.
I have known people to rub engine oil over faded patches with a rag to cover it up. Unfortunately the trick works - for a while.

tygertung, Oct 3, 9:02am
Silver is hazardous as it blends in with the road and is hard to see. Also very boring.

kazbanz, Oct 3, 9:03am
or silicone spray. -Making fixing it properly a total mare

likit, Oct 3, 9:57am
Don’t buy white or silver unless you want same colour as every other car on the road, don’t buy black, look good when clean but hard to keep that way, I know because I have one. I have just purchased another car & those 3 colours were the ones I avoided, heaps for sale on TM, ended up buying Prussian steel. In your case I would go blue but, end of day it’s your choice.

franc123, Oct 3, 11:44am
When buying new I would only buy red if I was going to be trading it back in a relatively short time frame, say 3-5 years at outside. Otherwise go blue.

lakeview3, Oct 3, 1:06pm
either that or they have never owned a black car

lakeview3, Oct 3, 1:07pm
if you have silver just drive with ya lights on.

I have daytime running led lights on my car they stay on all the time.

vtecintegra, Oct 3, 1:27pm
I think blue suits those.

hound31, Oct 3, 1:35pm
You guys get to chose the colour? I have to put up with what I can afford lol. My really reliable Toyota Carib is a particularly revolting shade of metallic bottle green (my least favourite colour ). I've had it for years and it's a great car, but a horrible colour!

sarahb5, Oct 3, 1:36pm
Anything but silver/champagne/other light metallic - I like red but my last three cars have all been blue, just right car right place right price. My kids say not red because I have a lead foot and red cars go faster

lakeview3, Oct 3, 1:40pm
Whatever you do don’t get 💩 brown!

ash4561, Oct 3, 9:00pm
Yes but its for the road not racing. Get a blue one they are plenty fast enough.

sw20, Oct 4, 4:17am
I've owned two. Best colour IMO. Always look the best when clean and polished.

harm_less, Oct 4, 7:05am
That doesn't apply if white is tri-colour pearl. Expensive to touch up.

Also regarding black this colour hides no sins and will show every minor ding or ripple.

sarahb5, Oct 4, 7:21am
Son sells car paint - very few white cars are actually white

cjohnw, Oct 4, 7:30am
Subaru World Rally Blue is also an awesome colour.


tamarillo, Oct 4, 12:44pm
Yep blue for forester every day, just looks better in blue. Probably good for resell too.

lakeview3, Oct 4, 12:52pm
clearly you have too much time on your hands then!

I want the car that takes the LEAST amount of cleaning!

lakeview3, Oct 4, 12:54pm
Coolest colour I ever had on a car, actually coolest 2 colours. navy metallic blue Mercedes (still got the hubcaps) and my shantung yellow (custard) VW Beetle.

stevo2, Oct 4, 2:20pm
I had the same dilemma, so I bought one of each lol https://trademe.tmcdn.co.nz/photoserver/full/1409010399.jpg

sw20, Oct 4, 4:11pm
Nice fleet. My late father's work van was also an iLoad.

sw20, Oct 4, 4:13pm
Too much time on my hands, or good time management. If a car is merely an appliance why are you even posting in this section?