I have had some problems with the wheel RPM sensors on my car throwing up error codes and ABS cruse control etc not working each time it goes into the garage they charge a scanner fee $30 to use their scanner sometimes twice in one job if the job rolls over from one day to the next ie scan and clear error codes when they start the job and next day when they put new parts on do a test drive and hook up the scanner to check things scan again a second time with a second charge is this normal practice. In this day and age when scanners are a relatively cheap and a normal every day tool in a workshop is it even fair to charge a $30 scanner fee on top of normal charge out fee which should include workshop overheads
Jul 15, 6:32am
Few questions to answer your question. your information is quite detailed but not 100% clear to answer what question you probably want answerd. What i need to know is is that a fault that was not fixed ? and are you not happy with the total bill?
Now to scanner As i said many many many times over and over obd2 is emission only ABS is not emission and is only covered by factory scantool or multyplatform scanner who claim they can do car makes but no multiplatfom can do all cars to the extent the factory tool can factory tool for mercedes = 50,000$ nz + subs per year to get you started . good multiplatform scanner cost 3500$ minimum they have 3 year free software update . more expensive ones cost 16 grand to buy and then software updates of a grand per year. All sorts of combos. They are definetly not cheap. Thing is a scan charge should only apply once per job , but 30$ is real cheap supercheap auto have the bosch and advanced scan is a fair price as that bosch is in the 10,000$+ range scantool. kts bosch I subscribe to automotive youtubes and there is a guy in amerika who has almost all factory scanners for cars operating in amerika. he said its 250.000$ us or more for all of them. the chances that you do a abs sensor code clear with a obd2 tool is 1 in 10. as obd2 law is only emission must be showing up under obd2 .
Jul 15, 6:36am
i am going to post in a old thread about car imports as i just got new old info in my inbox that shows what i said and what kazeban hinted at last year will come in march or when ever it was implemented= driving prices for everything skywards.
Jul 15, 7:11am
Yes it is an old Mercedes first time it went in they tried a Global scan which didn't work but a "texa" scanner did that time they replaced one sensor but problem reoccured within 1000km so second time they replaced the other three sensors total bill $2559.00 of which which $1460 is parts which may or maynot be a good price but to charge a scan charge twice on the second time the car came in seems wrong to me if the mechanic had started the job in the morning and finished that day I think I would have got one charge but because he started the job one day ordered parts and finished the job the next day he charged each day for the scaner ie twice
Jul 15, 7:33am
mercedes factory scantool is DAS-xentry for older cars Launch-x431 is quite good texa is suposedly good but only from what i know about of german adverts , i did not think we had texa here just like hella gds . Now i dont know why they would need to replace the other 3 sensors because you can go on a roadtest and see if the sensors work ok or not. with a good aftermarket scantool. i would want the old sensors if i was you as there maybe nothing wrong with them for all we know.
Jul 15, 7:39am
i recon you may want to find a other shop who can perform tests because for this Labour you would assume they run a pico-scope on each sensor test sensor wiring and use the 300$ flashlight to look for moisture ingress or corroded wiring etc. i think When we did go to kerikeri to mercedes to get a das xentry scan because i was not sure if my launch x431 pulld all the data on a 2003 cdi 270. turns out the exact same data was pulled and cost 80$ plus he said Mercedes "mafia-stuttgart" prohibits them to give out any data or printouts officially.
Jul 15, 7:39am
I reckon your focus is in the wrong place if you just paid $1500 for four parts and 1k in labour
Jul 15, 7:43am
As intake said. A good scan tool is 10k plus and like all computers needs updating at Aprox 1k per year. 2x charges on the same job is a bit rough imo
Jul 15, 8:56am
Is that a cheap charge out rate? I asked my garage & they charge $65 for one reading but I think it's a good scanner. On the other hand I paid $12 for one off trademe, a 'rosstec' clone & it's surprising what it brings up from the Audi's. I can get individual voltages at the auto transmission solenoids during use. Transmission multifunction switch readings ( implausible signal & actual gear output in some sort of binary ( 0 & I ). All the usual Pxxxxx codes
My cheapo scanner told me it was my engine rpm counter sensor ( I forgot its name now ) that had gone bad & YouTube showed me how to replace it, for $70.
Repeating the same falsehood over and over and over again like a stuck record does not make it any more true.
"OBD-II standardization was prompted by emissions requirements, and though only emission-related codes and data are required to be transmitted through it, most manufacturers have made the OBD-II Data Link Connector the only one in the vehicle through which all systems are diagnosed and programmed. OBD-II Diagnostic Trouble Codes are 4-digit, preceded by a letter: P for engine and transmission (powertrain), B for body, C for chassis, and U for network."
Jul 15, 3:20pm
I think $30 is cheap given how expensive the scan tools are and how costly they are to upgrade.
Jul 15, 3:27pm
thats will be 60 for the 2 scans still ok should have just said 1 scan 60 bux however.
Jul 15, 7:54pm
How old is old exactly? There is something obvious being overlooked here. Unless a wheel speed sensor has been physically damaged, it's unlikely to fail, and they certainly dont fail in groups. Take it to someone who has got a clue.
Jul 18, 10:55am
At lest you didn’t get rag charges on the same invoice twice!
Jul 18, 11:54am
Why should the scan tools cost more than a few hundred dollars at most? Is this just another manufacturers scam?
Jul 18, 2:14pm
as i said 100 and 1 tousend times only emission is covered under obd by global law. Anything non emission related is proprietory factory only and ford did try sue autel in court for stealing some of the factory only codes and comands . cheap tools can only do global obd2 and maybe some factory stuff. Non of the real expensive multi scanners like 16 grand snapon or autologic also about 16 k to buy or there abouts. Non what so ever can do all they list. its like roulette as to what you can and cant do. Only factory scanner with full factory license can do all the factory can do. And some clones can do a lot also like rosstech-vcds is 98% factory scannner for all vag gruppe cars. so a 50 bux china clone can also do 70% or more . And that is where we have to be thankful to china for there breach of copyright laws. Without that you would only be able to get a key for your car from the main dealer at factory dealer prices. ie 660$ for a key i got for 50$ from china and can hack the pincode that vw wont give out with a 600$ vw only key hacker offline tool.
Jul 18, 2:21pm
take a look here since about 2012 cars must or should comply to j2534 for diagnostic and programming. Manufacturer will block tools who are not certified with them the drewtech j2534 is from what i recall 1650$ us thats just the hardware subscriptions are as follows
http://www.drewtech.com/technician/index.html if you look you can see why i am a vw fanboy . cause its not extortion like fkn 3 pronged swasticka and thats not including diagnostics Also like GM for the same reason
Jul 18, 2:35pm
seems to be still the same dretech told me they dont have or did not have the kia license ok i think snapon is just rebranded drewtech. thats only from what i recall but if you click on kia you get to snapon to pay snapon prices and then some . Any other not listed ones manufacturer block drewtech . its so you cant use any other hardware and you cant get out of paying. unless you use some china hack virus software . or you just go swap 100 tousend parts and still dont fix a 2012 car cause it needs actuarly programming to fix it. One big f. n nightmare and people dont want to pay you nothing for all of it.
Dec 21, 2:15am
Nightmare? Mmm not really, it could be for backyarders but not for official agencies. If you've got an issue with your car that's rectifiable through a software upgrade or reconfiguration of a controller it might even be totally covered by warranty still even if the car is out of its statutory warranty period. no charge anyway. As for the rest, who could say how much it might end up costing you.
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