Buying a car today with my partner

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inkapuka, Jun 17, 7:35am
A nice lady make ur own bloody post about demois being stolen nothing to do with my post haha

gazzat22, Jun 17, 2:25pm
Just old!

drsr, Jun 17, 6:09pm
Well the OP was talking about a 2009 Demio which is not nearly as stealable.

kazbanz, Jun 18, 6:34am
You DID get your facts wrong.
The DW 96-2002 weren't stolen in numbers.
The DE Demios 2007-2014 that the OP was talking about are NOT regularly stolen
ONLY the DY model Demios were a regularly stolen vehicle.
To try in plain English what you are saying is that ALL apples are sour in taste when in fact its Granny Smith apples that are sour. Other apples are sweet in taste.
The OP was asking about Braeburn not granny smith
Sweeping generalisations rather than getting the facts right

kazbanz, Jul 24, 3:14am
We just had a lady call in here distraught .She had purchased an Aqua elsewhere and couldn't get it to go forwards or reverse.