THIS is Driving - trying to STAY ALIVE!

trogedon, May 2, 2:09pm

Passenger should've put the window down and returned some rounds. Note he says don't call the Police = useless?!

laurelanne, May 2, 2:26pm
What a lovely place South Africa has turned into. That bullet proof glass would have helped him to keep his cool.

gph1961, May 2, 2:33pm
lets put a widow down

intrade, May 2, 2:35pm
i think it was like that since longer when you watch serpentza who comes from there.

trogedon, May 2, 4:05pm
That is half of what I typed. Try reading the rest.

s_nz, May 2, 6:32pm
In general the windows on armored vans don't wind down. Even if it did I think it would be a tactically better option to not to wind down a bullet proof window when under fire.

In the Philippines they use custom bodied small armored trucks instead of Van's. I think they have two guards and a driver. Gunports under every window. One of my In laws staff used to be a guard for one of them. Was issued with full auto shotgun.

gph1961, May 3, 1:13am
try winding that window down then

pauldw, May 3, 1:38am
In this case it was a twin cab Land Cruiser with a box on the back. There are approx 300 attacks a year on cash trucks in SA.

kazbanz, May 3, 3:39am
It looked like he literally bashed his way out of trouble. And both passenger/drivers window looked to have the outer layer damaged.

apollo11, May 3, 4:39am
Do these guys have tyres that don't deflate? You'd think the crims would just shoot out a couple of tyres.

s_nz, May 3, 10:53am
Some kind of run flat setup is fairly standard on armored vehicles is my understanding.

Often a big band of plastic / rubber around the wheel (inside the tire) that can take the vehicles weight if the tire deflates:

s_nz, May 3, 10:59am
Photos of the vehicle (Land cruiser double cab as somebody mentioned) here if anybody in interested: Obviously got the job done in this case.
For comparison these are the standard cash transport in the philipines. Slow, smokey, but have gun ports.

apollo11, May 3, 11:04am
Cheers for that. Jobs I wouldn't apply for lol.

trogedon, May 4, 10:07am
I wonder what the aerodynamics are on them.

s_nz, May 4, 11:04am
Not great I would imagine, but they spend the vast majority of their time traveling slowly so it's not too much of an issue.

Many of them smoke massively though.

tgray, May 5, 3:25am
His young passenger probably quit that day. Looks like the reality of the danger of the job hit him like a lightening bolt.

pauldw, Aug 12, 12:43pm
It was the young guy's 4th day on the job, 3rd with the driver. They were escorting another van carrying cellphones. Both reported in good spirits.