Hi there as stated can someone point me in the right direction of where the fuse is for the starter motor of a nissan mistral having trouble finding anything online about it. is it under the bonnet or the fuses in bottom of dash
Mar 15, 5:28am
there is no fuse for a starter motor. there is or will be potentially a fuse for the starter circuit= to ignition lock to the silanoid of the starter motor. ON automatics the park neutral switch is also cutting power to actuate silanoid. i usually like to look at scantool data to see if park neutral is on or off before i get my hands dirty. 96 nissan is obd1 launch x431 with obd1 plug will give this info most probably.
Mar 15, 5:31am
96 mistral is dinosaur probably dont has immobiliser either. this is 90% all you got you can see no fuse big mother wire direct to starter. https://www.samarins.com/glossary/starter.html
Mar 15, 5:44am
dont know how much you know if you want to learn then this car be it with the book from dan sullivan and loadpro test leads. otherwise any auto electrition should have it figured within 1h tops
Why do you need to know about fuses? Do you have symptoms suggesting fuse needs replacing ?
Mar 15, 7:50am
I know the vehicle has an issue with blowing fuses that stops the starter from doing its thing but hasnt done it to me since ive owned it. Everything else works as it should. Cranked it this morning and it wound over then stopped then wouldnt crank again. I know for a fact it a fuse issue just dont know weather its one under the bonnet or under the dash. Will have to check the whole lot after work
Mar 15, 7:52am
I know enough to know how to troubleshoot different things. All i wanted to know is where a fuse was located instead of spending half an hour checking everything after work
Mar 15, 8:01am
I don't think you do somehow. I would be suspecting the starter motor itself and the quality of the main cable connections (both supply and earth) first with symptoms like that, there could be a large voltage drop occurring. Checking what the solenoid power feed is doing when the fault occurs is going to tell you instantly if there is an issue with its command circuit.
Mar 15, 8:24am
Its a known internal fault with the starter. Previous owner had it looked into will check fuses tonight once i find it and report back
Mar 15, 8:53am
Good check them ALL with a test light or multimeter (Both sides) And please provide the vehicle make model and year and fuel type. As you have had now 3 very experienced qualified mechanics and a very experienced car dealer post in here and the reality is you have bought a vehicle and are relying on information given by the previous owner.
Now shall we say it is a diesel year 2000 Ford Transit-then your no crank will be a leaking fuel cut solenoid in the injection pump and consequently the P.A.T.S. (Passive Anti Theft System) red LED will be showing a code as the computer will not accept the values and one can bypass the system and feed the solenoid direct from the ign feed-however one will NEVER find the starter fuse as well nae ever seen a vehicle with one-as others with EXPERIENCE have posted.
Mar 15, 9:18am
"Starter solenoid curcuit fuse" location sound better then. Have seen them labeled starter signal also. It a 96 model vehicle dont get technical.
Mar 15, 10:20am
Sorry dude but the fault you describe could have popped a few -or only one fuse. First place to look would be under the bonnet. but even if you find the ones there you will most likely find at least one inside the cabin is blown. Even so as you have alluded to you then need to figure out why the vehicle keeps blowing the fuses.
Mar 15, 10:24am
Thanks for the info. as i said its believed to be some sort of short in the starter motor itself. Has only done it once in the last 6 months. I didnt pay much for the vehicle just gets me to and from work
Mar 15, 10:28am
Stuff YOU can do--follow Franc's instructions checking for bad earth and that the power cable etc is properly connected and doesn't have a worn out insulation. if not that then haul the starter out and give it to a sparky.
Mar 15, 2:37pm
UPDATE: Starter motor stuffed. Tested ignition wire to the solenoid and got power when key was turned. Gave the starter a wack with a bar then tried starting and it briefly tried to turn over. Safe to say its the starter?
Sep 2, 12:07pm
Lol yep. I can't recall if those Mistrals use a Euro starter given they're made in Spain or a Jap Hitachi one. They were never particularly reliable long term. Bear in mind that it may not be repairable, they had a bad rep for ripping up commutator segments when the brushes got low.
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