Fuel - 56% of cost is tax

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mone, Jul 16, 10:39am
Not just tax for IRD. There's also ACC which covers all the reckless drivers who speed, drink-drive, never signal, never stop at stop sign or never stop at pedestrian crossing etc.

headcat, Jul 16, 5:16pm
There is often more machinery and labour tied up cones and traffic management staff than in any actual road repair. We are going to be safe until it beaks us.

moparpete, Jul 17, 3:34am
Just a question as I've not being able to get info from NZTA. Apart from the usual licencing/cof fees, what other taxes do EVs induce? If they are using the same roads, shouldn't they also be charged a road user levy like the diesel vehicles already do? Or are they already being charged that?

intrade, Jul 17, 4:42am
3$ -km roaduser charges for Lycra clad thugs on 2 wheels then.

alowishes, Jul 17, 6:19am
They don’t seem to kill others by their riding though.

ginks, Jul 17, 7:02am
Labour were going to sort out the petrol companies ,well like everything else they are one big failure.

wind.turbine, Jul 17, 1:10pm
I got two problems with fuel tax.

1. I'm paying RUC on fuel I buy to put in my boat which do not use that fuel on the road, they wont let me claim back because it is not commercial but they are still happy to steal from me and many others.

2. I pay RUC and fuel tax to help maintain the roads that I drive on. this is the problem, they are ether not putting that money into the repairs and when they do they are paying contractors to do a half arse job so that they stay rolling in work because then they have to keep repairing the same bits of road over and over again.

When I see people lined up on the main road all changing tyres because of a pothole that has not been fixed for days and only getting worse, you have to wonder, who's pockets am I lining? because its definitely not getting spent on the roads!

neell, Jul 17, 1:25pm
Which projects are you referring to?

gyrogearloose, Jul 17, 2:09pm
Does that include the tax the producers, refiners and shipping companies have paid before it arrives in New Zealand?

tony9, Jul 17, 2:53pm
At the moment EVs are being subsidised by other road users who pay petrol tax or Road User Charges. Next year this is supposed to stop, quite likely all vehicles will then pay Road User Charges.

toenail, Jul 18, 5:20am
That will unlikely to happen and that means NZ is going backwards of trying to get people to adopt EV's. Take USA as an example, even as a oil nation is providing tax credits to EV's. I.e. You can get a RAV4 Prime cheaper than a RAV4 Hybrid because of the state level subsidy.

EV pays RUC the same as ICE. That has been the case for a while.

pcle, Jul 9, 5:24am
Lets keep moving!

martin11, Jul 9, 5:59am
So if the government does not get it out of the fuel they need to get it from somewhere else Registration ? Road tax ?

bumfacingdown, Jul 9, 6:01am
As fuel prices rise that % drops

gph1961, Jul 9, 7:32am
the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away

motig, Jul 9, 7:35am
Obviously there needs to be two roading standards - Tar sealed / Graded etc for those who pay tax and a rutted, muddy, non bridged untended track for those who do not.

pcle, Jul 9, 8:40am
The Lycra clad brigade wouldn't like it.

scuba, Jul 9, 4:43pm
Its a good user pays tax- or would be if they actually used it for the roads.

s_nz, Jul 9, 7:13pm
I'm not complaining. Plenty of money from the likes of general taxation & rates goes on roads.

NZ fuel taxes are lower than the majority of the OECD

Frankly it would be more efficient to build the above money into road user taxes, so I consider motorists get a good deal.

I'm not a fan of the USA approach where fuel taxes are super low, but infrastructure is crumbling. 10% of their bridges are structurally deficient.

pcle, Jul 10, 3:05am
High taxes is a very inefficient way of getting anything done.
Very little actually makes it to roading. Just look at the terrible state of our roads.

tamarillo, Jul 10, 3:29am
you are so utterly wrong. Google where tax on petrol goes and come back to us.

kerikeri13, Jul 10, 6:14am
My complaint with the fuel tax regime is that the government puts gst onto the excise portion of fuel taxes. When gst was first introduced taxation was exempted but the polies have quietly ignored the additional taxation put on fuel.

allan_mac, Jul 10, 6:57am
Road taxes are ring-fenced for roading:

State highways are funded by central government, and local roads are partly funded by council rates. The proportion varies across regions, but I think generally 50% funded by rates.

pcle, Jul 10, 7:47am
So even more tax.
Where does it all go? Not on the roads.

differentthings, Dec 21, 8:53pm
It's the same as all the tax they collect from smokes. If it all went into the health system then we would have the best health care system in the world. In fact if you smoke you should get priority over someone that doesn't as you have already pre paid your care while someone who has never smoked hasn't paid a lot into it at all.