#25 at a guess i would say you probably dont have a blowby problem. but to be sure you would do the leakdown test and listen in oil filler . idle shake is probably worn injectors. no big problem on old diesel Deadly for a new one like a D4D
Feb 10, 2:39pm
there always will be some idle shake. only the ecu controlled version equalises the injectors.
Feb 10, 2:55pm
find something else to worry about
Feb 11, 2:48am
The idle shake causes allot of vibration in the exhaust at idle which is probably what led to it cracking where it joins to the muffler. It was welded but has now cracked again.
Feb 11, 11:30am
not really. its common enough because, by mem, they don't have a flex piece before the muffler and its mounted ridged to the end of the motor. so its quite a short length with no flex in it. so it will always crack. get an exhaust shop to fit a flex joint.
those engines don't have balance shafts, or dual mass flywheels, so they vibrate a fair bit anyway. they also tend to have the harmonic balancer (crank pulley) come loose.
Feb 12, 4:31am
so whats your idle rpm? push the accelerator a tini bit and see if the shaking stops= your idle is to low. other reason is worn out engine mounts usually hear a knock when you shut it down when the steel brtaket hits the chassi due to the rubber fetigued or ripped. Shaking does damage the engine mounts and can shredd air intake hoses due to movement Like a domino effect just not as much to nuke as on moe modern ones .
Feb 12, 1:25pm
About 750 if the tach is correct, shake stops if I rev it to about 1k. Will look at the mounts, thanks for the info.
Feb 13, 4:11am
Do you have a efi pump electrical wires only to injector pump i would guess so. i have a client his 1kz hilux idles at 1100rpm he is fine with it like that as thats a bit to high but i would guess 750 is to low for a 4 cilinder . i would probably bring it to 900rpm. But on efi one has to look how exactly that would be adjusted correctly. I would look for the throttle cable and see if the stop screw is worn back . and mark it and then bring it out half a turn and see what happens.
Feb 13, 6:55am
please do not do hacks like that.
as long as engine mounts are ok then its fine. they always do vibrate at idle. it doesn't hurt anything, all the hoses are flexi and designed for that.
Feb 14, 1:16am
you obviously have a different idea what shaking is. here is what a not normal shake is and what the fix is. it be the same for that toyota. and you better never drive a commonrail who shakes like this. 2 parts i already knew what it was in 5 secounds after starting that engine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAOVL3C0dvg
Feb 14, 3:51am
There is no reason why minor idle speed adjustments cannot be carried out to correct another issue. If you had an old diesel that was causing a horrible annoying rattle deep within the instrument panel somewhere that could take hours to track down, that could be 'fixed' by a 25rpm lift in idle adjustment, would you not do it?
Feb 14, 4:53am
hes not talking 25rpm increase. also odds are that rattle behind the dash will come back as whatever is loose gets worse. so its a bandaid at best.
Feb 14, 4:57am
but we are not talking about a nice smooth 6cyl engine that happens to be shaking the whole car.
L series 4 cyl engines are not smooth running motors especially at idle.
Feb 14, 5:14am
go to the pub and talk about it with anybody or ask aunts husbands plumber
Feb 14, 5:52am
Not necessarily. A higher idle speed in a diesel can be desirable in all sorts of situations, particularly in off road or low speed running, not just to tune out squeaks and rattles. Especially if a hand throttle is not provided. There is no reason why you should not do it if that is the preference.
Sep 14, 2:07am
i suspect the vibration is not even an issue, let alone one that needs a hack fix.
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