Ford Trader 309

coolnzmum, Sep 19, 1:40am
Anyone with one of these tell me what the Tare weight, GVM and tow rates are for this truck. Thanks in advance.

intrade, Sep 19, 12:20pm
that depends on how the manufacturer licensed it . if it is over 3500kg then it needs a cof . i di look for a long time for ones under 3.5 ton they are mostly rear to find or 1980s 90s models below year 2000 meaning 6 month wof . There is no fixed gvm manufacturer slap that on and no you wont be changing 3520 kg to 3500 kg to get a wof its over 3.5 ton by 20 kg and needs a cof . as the original manufacturer would have to issue you new documents to change it. So be warned .

intrade, Nov 16, 8:53pm
like i said its all over the place with gvm and its a 90s model below 3.5 ton most 2000 onwards are Cof ones above 3.5 ton