Supercheap paint mixing

doriandarby, Jun 5, 1:45pm
Hi there,

I need to respray the small belly pan on my Honda VTR1000. I've got the paint code (PB215) and was thinking about seeing if SCA could mix that.

I'll be up in Auckland tomorrow, can anyone recommend an SCA store around that way that does a good job on paint mixing?

I'm not looking for showroom finish because it'll be me spraying it in the garage. Just want paint that looks the same colour and is easy to apply.

gammelvind, Jun 5, 1:53pm
Why don’t you get it done in Tauranga at the likes of Autolink in 15th Ave.

doriandarby, Jun 5, 1:58pm
Because I'm impatient :-) I just found out that Supercheap do paint mixing so I thought it'd be a handy thing to do over the weekend. I'll check out Autolink as well. thanks

car__parts, Jun 5, 2:09pm
You need to know what sort of paint it is, probably lacquer which is good it can be used for touch ups and blends well even if the colour is off. Any other type of paint might not do the job properly. Maybe you can order on line as I have brought from SCA before like that.

kazbanz, Jun 6, 3:48am
You. Need to find I out if there are actually staff working who CANmix paint, on sunday that isn’t often the case. Also just be aware that they will only mix to available CODE they don’t mix to match so with fading it may be different from your sample . -I’ve had success with Henderson branch

tony9, Jun 6, 9:49am
As pointed out above, the critical issue is if they have staff who can do it, and if they have time to do it. Ring first.

I have found the product quite good, and put their clearcote over it.

curlcrown, Jun 6, 11:21am
They also have a range of colours on the shelf. You might find a match with some luck.

doriandarby, Jul 29, 9:05am
I tried supercheap but they don't recognise the paint code. I'm gonna put on my patience pants and wait until the professional paint shop is open. Thanks anyway