Annual fuel cost by trademe how's is it calculated

saxman99, Sep 14, 2:24am
I think they use the same formula as the score calculators on QI.

kazbanz, Sep 14, 12:04pm
I understand they use the screwed up government fuel economy system.
So its based on 14000km/year and whatever $ per litre they currently have it set at. Then the actual economy is based on some Magic mix up hodgepodge of city and open road driving that only they know. --or in other words-its millions of tax payer dollars wasted.
The AA system of XX km/l city cycle driving and XX km/l country cycle driving is far more accurate and was available to buy.

Its very much like the mess that is ritecars safety rating system.
"ohh we haven't tested that vehicle and no history of them in nz so we will call it a 1 star rated car.

kazbanz, Nov 20, 2:08am
that’s a far better idea .