I have an old Wolf Valve Re facer (model 8004?) The rubber drive belts have perished and broke. They are just flat rubber belts. The short one being 300mm (circumference) x 20mm x 3mm. The long one is 700mm circumference. I’ve tried a inner tube on the short one but haven’t had a lot of luck. Too big of tube and it won’t drive, small tube stretched too much becomes really thin and then walks of the pulleys. Looks like I can still get them ex overseas, but just one wondering if I can get them in NZ, or if anyone knows of where I can get belts like this from, or has a solution for replacement? Even if you know of any machinery etc that you remember approximately this size belt on would be great (particularly the small belt)
Apr 18, 5:10am
Make ya own - Leather belt ? ,,,, go for a wander through the plumbing / drain laying section and see if any seals etc will do
Thanks, looking at website Rubberbits will definitely be able to help, although a one off price maybe out of the question? we"ll see when I call them tomorrow. Leather won’t work for me as it does not rely on adjustment, just the stretch fit of the belt. In the meantime, if anyone has any ideas what equipment to look for that may have a belt that may work, let me know thanks. Thinking home appliances, equipment and machinery of all types etc, even could be a tooth / ribbed belt that could be used upside down, but it has to stretch
Apr 18, 8:47am
have you tried wolfe directly ?
Apr 18, 9:05am
What about a treadmill motor belt?
Apr 18, 10:39am
https://www.kerzan.co.nz/ Give this guy a shot. He may head you to the right people if he can't help. Alternately, if you got a non stretch belt, could you make a tensioner for it with an old cambelt tensioner with a lighter spring or something? Always cool to keep the old stuff going. Good luck.
Apr 18, 10:56am
Just get a bit of flat belt and stitch it together with some sailmaker's whipping twine and sailmaker's needle. Get it at your local marine shop. That's what I did on my lathe.
Apr 18, 2:20pm
I had a pair of belts made up for my Wolf valve grinder by Habasit here in Auckland- one flat and one round. Not real cheap but absolutely perfect.
Apr 20, 12:14am
Forbo Siegling Ltd which used to be Stedar Belting made flat belts for various old machine tools for mevover the years.
Apr 20, 12:17am
Another option is o rings to make a round belt since it is not transmitting much power. You can buy the original cord and glue it together if you can't find one the right size. Try a bearing and seals specialist like Seal House
Aug 19, 6:13pm
go to 'Russet's in stoke ,they will make one, they, like our company make belts for all types of systems everyday ,no big deal
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