I have a 2006 Honda accord and I have basically a full tank of gas in it that’s been there for over a year. My understanding is that fuel goes bad in six months. My Question is what is the best way or easiest way to get The fuel out. I’ve taken the mat out of the boot and remove the plate that accesses the top of the fuel tank, the fuel tank has a cover With eight bolts in it, Will it be okay to remove these bolts and will I have access into the tank and will I be disturbing a glued seal.
Nov 16, 10:39am
You are looking at the fuel pump/fuel guage sender unit. it has a rubber o ring. not glued. You can access the fuel from there. albeit fumes. Jack up the rear . abit of garden hose and old fashion siphon.
Nov 16, 10:56am
I think the 6 month's often quoted is a quite pessimistic.
I would put in a bottle of octane booster and take the car of a sightseeing drive in the next weekend. Will do it good to have a decent run after sitting for so long.
Nov 16, 11:10am
Agreed. Use up the existing fuel.
Nov 16, 12:08pm
Never had an issue with 3+ year old fuel personally. But ok i never use 91 in anything?
But was told wharf fuel bought in the sounds is 91? (never been there myself) Boat that's been laid up since buying, with 1/3 of a 225 tank, still fires up and runs sweet, after 10+ years. Admit though, threw in 40 liters of number 1 last year, to freshen it up a bit, did seem sweeter running(350/holley).
Nov 16, 12:19pm
The fuel will still be fine. Might not start quite so easily.
Nov 16, 12:53pm
Cheers thanks for the replies guys I think it’s just on 18 months since I used it on a trip last, I’ve started it a few times in that time, I let it idle for five minutes and take it 500metres up the road and back a couple of times then idle for five. I have to go on a 500km trip next weekend and thought it might be a good idea to empty the fuel out and put fresh stuff in as on a trip like that I don’t want to Risk breaking down. If octane booster will work that’s what I will do
Nov 16, 1:03pm
A match?
Nov 16, 1:23pm
Add some 98 if there's some room in the tank.
Nov 16, 1:28pm
Octane booster is generally a waste of time. When they say raises by 5 to 7 points, they aren't talking 91 to 96 or 98. It's 91 to 91.5 or 91.7. There is so little active ingredient in a 500ml bottle that it hardly does anything.
Nov 16, 2:17pm
Most of the online talk about fuel deterioration is from the USA which has alcohol in its fuel. Most fuel sold here doesnt. Take your vehicle for half an hour drive, if no problems show up on that test run, embark on your journey and top up once about a quarter of it has been used. Bon Voyage!
Nov 17, 8:07am
Fuel can deteriorate after about six months, but, it can be 'revitalised' by adding 50% of the volume into it from fresh stock. Hubby remembers this from some relatively recently read info at his work, (he is an aircraft refueller).
Oct 23, 11:04am
Can a battery be hooked up to the fuel pump to pump the fuel out? With proper safety considerations of course.
I'd put less than half a tank of it into a half tank of 100 octane & run it like that. Maybe put it into a 20 litre container first & wait a bit to see if any water seperates out.
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