Sold a car to a so called friend what would you do

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spunkeymonkey, Aug 28, 1:41am
you got that one right. yes i got several phone calls from the idiots saying that or should i say threatening me saying that they were the wrong family to F#%k with and to exspect a visitor well heres me thinking bring it on your guns better be bigger than mine as mine are loaded with nuclear . just happy to have it back

spunkeymonkey, Aug 28, 1:42am
heard from the idiot it took them a couple of hours but hey they must of thought i was a bigger idiot than them ha ha ha.

spunkeymonkey, Aug 28, 1:45am
yip i will be putting in a kill switch and remote control too and lets see who be doing what. they can blow it up smash it up or what ever but they should of paid i have made a statement to the police what i was doing and they said they could not do anything because i was following the rules by the book and it a cival matter. or make threats to me but hey they will only make matters worste for themselves.

wrxnz1, Aug 28, 1:51am
good stuff spunkey

dmoney73, Oct 2, 11:59am
I would've hidden the car after repo and pretended i didn't know a thing
and would of said must of bein stolen.
Whats he going to do report a car they dont own stolen.
Glad you got it back.