Sold a car to a so called friend what would you do

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spunkeymonkey, Aug 16, 6:23pm
ok to cut a long story short. you sell a friend a car in december 2010, that had a wof for 6 months a rego for 6 months two bran new tyres on the front. you made verbal agreement that they were to pay "x" amount of dollars, the car insurance was to be paid also by them but the car and the insurance is still in your name (that would be me). they were to keep the rego and wof up to speed at all times. they only pay you "x" amount of dollars ans HAVE NOT PAID anything for the last three months and have only paid 1/8 (one eighth) of the total amount on value of car you sold to them for. please also have in mind that i live in chch and at the time of the selling of the car they too lived in chch and also had a full time job (same place as i worked). after the feb 2011 quake he choose to leave a full time employment to go live up in nelson to NO employment. you have contacted them several times(3) plus a registered letter asking for the monies that is owing and that it be paid by certain date to which they chose to ignore. please also have in mind that they have let the rego of car unrego'd for the last 12 weeks but are still running around in the car clocking up fines left right and centre and guess who does not have to pay for them as i can prove i am in chch on all accounts and occassions. so people what would you legally do besides claim your car is stolen which a certain area of the police in chch will not do anything. any takers with good or bad advice

michael.benn, Aug 16, 6:29pm
Heh, take him to court perhaps! Could claim it as stolen I guess. Not my area of expertise really to be honest .

Just make sure whenever you sell or buy a car, GET A RECEIPT, and make sure it's signed. Verbal contract is not good enough.

jason18, Aug 16, 6:30pm
Ouch very very bad situation! I would report the car now stolen as he has not paid and then I guess take him to court. What was the car and price!

spunkeymonkey, Aug 16, 6:35pm
it is a mitsubishi magna. station wagon. 1995it was in very good condition as i make sure that all my cars are up to speed, i sold it for 1200.00 (twelve hundred) when i know i could of sold it maybe for 1500.00 (fifteen hundred). you think your helping a friend out and what do they do shit on you right from the start :o(

skyline_guy_r34, Aug 16, 6:43pm
Id ring him and speak to him over the phone, let him know hes got x amount of days to come up with the money or you will report it unlawfully in his possession (stolen). If you cant speak to him over the phone, for whatever reason, then send him an email and a letter stating the same thing.

Contact his family or friends that are still in CHCH! and tell them the situation and say hes got x amount of days left as well.

gusthe1, Aug 16, 6:46pm
Well spunky you were a very silly person.
For those that are screaming theft. The crimes act says theft does not include where a person takes an article with the consent of the owner, whether or not that consent is obtained by deception. Spunky gave his "friend' consent to take the car. He was deceived but consent was given.
The car was sold and the person hasnt paid. Its a bad debt, not theft. Small claims tribunal!
Does the insurance co, know about this little scheme!

superdave0_13, Aug 16, 6:47pm
So they still owe you less than a thousand! The path of least resistance may be to just get everything out of your name and move on. It's your own fault for agreeing to a silly arrangement like that.

spunkeymonkey, Aug 16, 6:48pm
hi skyline_guy_r34 yes i have done all that well with the contacting him. I even sent him a registered letter for which he got. I sent him three diffrent warnings and asking of the monies and what will happen if he didnt on 3 occassions he would not reply. I helped him out. he is married with two under children. they had no car he winched at me to sell him the car so i felt sorry for his family and what thanks do i get nothing except a lot of abuse from his wife

tantric5, Aug 16, 6:59pm
I'd go repo the car spunky

mark.52, Aug 16, 7:21pm
I'd do what superdave0-13 suggested.
Write it off to experience.
It's hardly worth going to the small claims court for a smallish amount that you probably won't get to see, anyway.

Un-friend him on FB. That'll teach him. (And IRL, too.)

jason18, Aug 16, 7:22pm
haha FB

bob1120, Aug 16, 7:24pm
De register it & walk away, never to give credit to $hitkickers again.
Also, post his cellphone number up on here & we can all TXT & phn him abuse for our own entertainment

tantric5, Aug 16, 7:35pm
If that was my friend I'd go up to Nelson and get my car back one way or another even if it meant putting a forklift through it just to get satisfaction LOL

tantric5, Aug 16, 7:35pm
I would so trash that thing.If I couldnt have it, no way would they,,

adrian, Aug 16, 7:56pm
1. Cancel the insurance & request any refunds due.
2. Put rego on hold immediately, this means he cant drive it on the road at all. any overdue payments on rego & you are responsible for that.
3.if you know the address, organise a tow truck to tow your car to yard, yes you pay for it but you also get your car back from yard.
Otherwise just go to Nelson & get your car back. (Repo the car)
If you cant do that, at least feel free to smash all the lights on your old car.
4. Let it be a lesson learnt, Never put that same trust into anyone outside your own family.

bob1120, Aug 16, 8:12pm
There is a saying "no good deed goes unpunished" it is true.

jsbike, Aug 16, 8:20pm
lets do a mission to nelson!

bm4, Aug 16, 8:45pm
i would go up and take it back
and if he got lippymaybe a kicking as well
if your not up to thatas some one saidget a towie to tow it to a wreckers and scrap it get some money back as well as a lesson learnt

vtecintegra, Aug 16, 8:48pm
I'd tread carefully here

bm4, Aug 16, 8:48pm
ill take your house bus as is where is with a dollar down and a dollar a week till its paid off ok!
yah lesson learnt!

kazbanz, Aug 16, 9:08pm
1) I would never have got myself into that situation in the first place.
2) near as I can tell theres nothing in wrighting. so go get the car. Sell it to someone who actually has MONEY. All the fines and so fourth y you chalk up to experience. The very secong YOU get the tickets you need to make a statutory declairation stating who was driving the vehicle at the time.

bm4, Aug 16, 9:11pm
no gin writing

wrxnz1, Aug 16, 9:16pm
spunkeymonkey do you know where he is currently living in nelson as i can go repo it off him as its your car if its in your name got a spare key!

tigertim20, Aug 16, 10:00pm
start posting on their facebook about debts, start ringing all thier friends andfamily, saying 1 week, you want money or the car gets repod. see if the threat works.

tantric5, Aug 16, 10:10pm
If you do that he could hide the car.

stealth is what you need.under the cover of darkness, around 3am if the cars outside LOL

Someone in Nelson needs to do a recon