Sold a car to a so called friend what would you do

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jmma, Aug 17, 6:11am
Oh I see they misspelt your username, it must be baycorp

crzyhrse, Aug 17, 6:11am
I'll say it again slowly.

R e g i s t e r e d. o w n e r s h i p. d o e s.n o t.
c o n s t i t u t e. l e g a l. o w n e r s h i p .
I t. n e v e r. h a s .

It even says so on the certificate of registration. Lease vehicles have the registered owner as the entity leasing the vehicle but they don't own it.

All registered ownership does is let the authorities know who is RESPONSIBLE for the car so they can be invoiced and issued infringement offence notices for certain things.

crzyhrse, Aug 17, 6:13am
Stupid formatting doesn't work properly.

crzyhrse, Aug 17, 6:16am
Correct. And as there has been no money paid, the contract is void.

Go and take the car.

mellisa2000, Aug 17, 6:46am
Exactly what I would do, with the help of a local (offer above).
Not theft, you still own the car, you have a spare key! Or get one cut from the rego at Mitsi dealer.
Tough lesson, and an a-hole (ex) mate! I feel for ya.
The money is not a huge deal, BUT dereg it, and have the wreckers pay you for it, tell the scrappy where to get it. You have papers, cars yours, your mate will have no leg to stand on. No proof he paid you anything for it I assume. If it's traceable, he may want a refund, or you just say it was payment for the use of the car. A good will gesture offered by the mate.

kazbanz, Aug 17, 3:27pm
babcorp--I don't know much about much but I do know a fair bit about this situation.
The OWNER can go get their car. The Police will NOT get involved provided ownership is still in their name.
Whereing crzyhrse is 100% correct regarding LEGAL ownership unfortunately the Police do not have records of this so base their decisions to act in a situation based on the information they have to hand which is the Registered owner.
Senario 1) the owner goes to get the car and the cops get called. Tney check their records and find who its registered to-they step aside and let the car go
2) senario 2 The owner gets the car back and the Hirer reporrts the car stolen. Cops ask who the registered owner is MAYBEE go visit the registered owner. cops say its a civil matter and walk away.
There is NO contract whatsoever -if there was there would be more paperwork involved but ultimately the same result. The finance company (owner in this case) would still be able to reposess the vehicle for breach of contract.

crzyhrse, Aug 17, 4:33pm
Bit of a lesson in "Trust Nobody".

luckythirteen, Aug 17, 9:09pm
Grasping at straws aren't you. Perhaps you need to go back and read what I wrote because I can't find where I said "R e g i s t e r e d. o w n e r s h i p. d o e s.c o n s t i t u t e. l e g a l. o w n e r s h i p ."

When you find the statement let me know thanks.

muzzaandmich, Aug 17, 10:37pm
thismaynotbe the resultyou hoped for

spunkeymonkey, Aug 19, 5:50pm
thank you mellisa i now have a key for my car and i guess i now can go get my car

drew2009, Aug 19, 6:21pm
My advice is trust no one. You put yourself in this position now its up to you to get yourself out, prevention is the best remedy.
Never EVER put your name to anything like that, not for a friend, family, anyone.

jrlaw, Aug 19, 7:40pm
How about the leather coated motor bike club, maybe they could get your gar back. Hhnnn maybe not

gwr1, Aug 19, 7:53pm
Dont act on theadvise on here from bush lawyers.Go to a citizens advise centre or see a lawyer to see where youstand.

crzyhrse, Aug 19, 8:32pm
Nice doing business with you.

crzyhrse, Aug 19, 8:34pm
Just because you're ignorant don't assume everyone else is.

kazbanz, Aug 19, 10:09pm
OHHY GOSH YES--go to a lawyer who might deal in cases like this about once a decade. Or take advice from people who deal with this and the leadup to this situation on a weekly basis--Yep good advice that.

yeahm8, Aug 19, 10:37pm
Technically the car is still yours, go get it and put it down to experience.

I sold a car years ago to a friend who paid a deposit, in the end he moved house job and area and I was $200 less full payment, I only found out he didn't register the car in his name when I got the register forms in the post saying re-registered date coming up and still couldn't contact him.
A few months on he rocked up at my place looking sheepish asking if I could do him a favour, the car was impounded and due to me being the registered owner he couldn't get it out as I had to get it out, he gave me $300 odd dollars for the impound fees and got all stroppy when I said I want the $200 he owes me + 2 X 24packs of beer(for the hassle) before I leave the house which reluctantly he did, I picked the car up and then we stopped off at the Postshop changed the rego into his name.

crzyhrse, Aug 19, 10:44pm
But if it was within the last 12 years then he could have simply gone and changed the registered ownership to his name without you and collected the vehicle. even though there's no requirement for the registered owner to pick up the vehicle but simply the person who is entitled to lawful possession. and that would be HIM.

Something fishy with this story.

yeahm8, Aug 19, 10:51pm
Nothing fishy with it, the reason he couldn't change it into his name at the time was when I sold it to him he didn't tell me he didn't have a drivers licence.I just took his word that he would go down to Postshop and put it in his name, when he got his licence back is when the car was the end the impound firm wouldn't give him the car so he had to come to me.I know this cause I've had to deal with it.have you!

crzyhrse, Aug 19, 11:42pm
I know the law. And here it is, once again:

yeahm8, Aug 20, 12:10am
What ever dude, I had to deal with the situation and had to get the car, I experienced it.I didn't post my experience to get some muppets thinking that I concocted a conspiracy theory and made it up for some unknown reason.if you think it's fishy then you go and run your mind, I'll just remember from my real life experience.*shakes head and wonders*

spunkeymonkey, Aug 28, 1:09am
wahoo i got my car back i had a set of keys cut. went up to nelson got my getting it was so easy. car in driveway no one home or asleep unlocked the car put the key in the ignition and turned the key and it went in i hop and off i drive. no come back as yet from the police as they have said it a cival matter they sort it they keeping out as i am the owner of the car it is my right to take it so yes i am rather happy that i have my car back

shazza541, Aug 28, 1:21am
change the locks

jandal90, Aug 28, 1:23am
Great outcome, did you hear anything from the idiot you sold it to!

fordcrzy, Aug 28, 1:36am
ditto to changing the locks or fitting a hidden kill switch