Plenty of time to retake the lead when the Toyota pops in for the 8 hour battery charge.
Sep 6, 9:12pm
Good to see some more attention being paid to the performance side of electric cars.
"Do your bit for ecological sustainability" is only going to sell a certain number of cars. Electrics need to be desirable if they are going to take off.
Sep 6, 9:23pm
It's all good and well saying "oh, I have an electric car, I'm saving the planet". But you have to remember, when you plug that vehicle in, where is that power coming from! If it's a coal-fired turbine, unfortunately you're probably making it worse. Until 80-90% of electricity comes from renwable source, you're just putting more strain on a system that relies on fossil fuels and non-renewables.
Just thought I'd get that in before Trog does lol.
WoW! . must been a task to unwind the power cord from the trees and things around the circuit afterwards, eh!
Sep 6, 10:50pm
"The Toyota racer has a range of more than 120 miles if driven carefully, but a lot less if going for a lap record."
Sep 6, 10:51pm
maybe this thread should be in household appliances. VOTED
Sep 6, 10:56pm
Luckily the Nürburgring is not a.short circuit!
Sep 6, 11:06pm
It's worse than that, the reality is people get home and plug the cars in after 5pm, just as household demand is going through the roof, causing unprecedented demand levels and the building of new power stations.
Sep 6, 11:07pm
Go and sit in the corner, that was shocking.
Sep 6, 11:13pm
.semi-related to that:
I was watching a thing about power use in the UK on the telly a while ago and they showed us the control room for the entire country's power demand and resultant routing.Beside the desk was a TV."What's the TV for!"
"That's so I know when EastEnders finishes.About 10 seconds after the credits roll this place will go nuts, every red light and overload warning will appear on the displays because pretty much every electric kettle in England is turned on at the same time."
And he was right.
Sep 7, 3:04am
Can I come back now. I promise wont do it again, will take your. lead! Seriously though, looking at the video this is a new driving style, no coming down gears and no motor brake, coming into the curves looks like free wheeling!
Sep 7, 3:11am
Is a the question is does our electric grid use more fossil fuels per KW than the average petrol car.Since piston engines arent the most efficient machines and considering most of NZ's power comes from hydro dams i think not.
Sep 7, 4:10am
I think you mean produce g of CO2 per kWh.
Sep 7, 4:17am
Electric dragsters are gaining popularity too. The technology really suits that style of racing.
Sep 7, 4:19am
why not make an electric multipla! best of both worlds!
The Fiat Multipla Hybrid Power is the only car of this type capable of electric propulsion alone when necessary. Around town, the car behaves like a ZEV (Zero Emission Vehicle), has a top speed of 80 km/h and a range of more than 80 km.
Sep 7, 4:27am
see then I would drive one, work for me is a round trip of 30km. Id be happiest if it could be plugged in to be charged as well
Sep 7, 4:38am
It sounds like my old washing machine when hitting its spin cycle! But. I actually think it sounds pretty cool - I do remember having the old washer was reminiscent of living next to a jet plane hangar. This car is pretty damn neat, having that vast amount of effortless torque on hand from standstill onwards would be exhilarating, surely!
Sep 7, 7:17am
I'm genuinely suprised that it posted a time that slow. It's practically a minute slower than its petrol equivlellent. For a dedicated 'Ringer I would have thought they'd give it some proper grunt and target a sub 7 minute target.
7.45+ is pretty poor for a class leader.
Sep 7, 12:45pm
I would prefer a bio-fuel WRX, Makinen did 7.55.
Sep 7, 5:45pm
OK, but don't try and start anything.
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