Oh dear. Despite the great leap forward, some people in PRC never got to year 8 science class.
May 17, 12:18am
I'm more concerned that 3 News are not even questioning the rather dubious perpetual-motion claim that the car somehow "generates power" once you have wound it up to speed *using the car's engine*.
May 17, 12:31am
The passenger seems to have very rigid hair!
May 17, 12:37am
We need LESS cars - not just less polluting ones. Good on Tang though.
May 17, 1:01am
That can only be achieved by having less people.
May 17, 1:17am
.or roads that move ;)
May 17, 1:27am
Come on - you can think a little more creatively than that.
May 17, 1:40am
"An estimated 40,000 new cars take to the country's roads every day, and some predict China could have a billion passenger vehicles by the middle of this century. The environmental results are horribly predictable."
May 17, 3:03am
Its pretty sad to think about especially from a country that traveled by train, bus and bicycle only a few years ago.
May 17, 3:45am
So China has cracked the first stage of perpetual motion. We westerners are all stuffed now.
May 17, 3:55am
. not really just increasing battery life 3 fold hardly' perpetual motion'
May 17, 4:03am
True, but it is still a something for nothing concept, so if you put two turbines on the front you would get 5 times the battery life, and so on, eventually what would you have if you accept the basic premise!
May 17, 4:05am
It takes *power* to force the air through that fan, and make it turn, in order to recover *power* from whatever dynamo or alternator is driven by the fan.
I wonder, if the car didn't have that fan on the front, aerodynamic drag would be reduced and the amount of throttle needed to push the car through the air would also be reduced.
.probably in direct proportion to the amount of power the fan was *generating*.
The whole thing is kinda like towing a trailer behind your Corolla with two tonnes of bricks in it. Once you get to the top of the hill, the extra momentum pushing you down the hill must surely increase your gas mileage threefold.!
May 17, 4:07am
I would not think so there comes the line you cannot cross more fans more hp required less batt life but more charge. simple physics really I am not saying the chinamans claims are exact just saying its not really energy for nothing
May 17, 5:08am
Oh my goodness.
I am embarrassed for TV3 that they would print such rubbish. I knew our mainstream media were slow on the uptake but are they really that clueless!
Whats next. will they employ Ken Ring as the weather man and read tea leaves for tomorrow scoop before it happens!
Unbelievable. *facepalm*
May 17, 5:11am
What's wrong with it jazz! It looks like it has all the usual chinese car safety features and build quality.
Impressed, finally a use for all of those 'spacesaver' tires.
May 18, 12:22am
Theres a china news programme on Central TV that has alot of chineese inventions that are being made and tested.They talk about how great the inventers and inventions are and how they will benefit china etc etc,half of them have already been invented in the western world.Things like the motorised surfboard,homemade helicopter,fan propelled hot air baloon,electric bike etc etc.Are they thick or is it a case of them being kept in a cacoon of communist ignorance!the motorised surfboard was available in the early 80s.
May 18, 1:18am
You have to be thick to think they are.
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