You admit doing 71kph before the 100kph sign in a 50kph zone which means you was accelerating from 50kph long before the sign.
100kph would be the speed after the sign not before the sign.
Somehow I think you are not telling the whole story!
Sep 17, 11:08pm
speed cameras are not here for road safety
you praise of them is misguided
Sep 17, 11:40pm
Correct they are here for the ones with a lower standard of driving ability that like to contribute to the PRS.
I guess at the end of the day having be taught a differant driving standard to most posters here that has provided a better driving skill set thats avoided the constant complaining about being targetted for minor motoring matters.
How much are you prepared to donate rather than avoid by not getting into that situation in the first place!
Sep 18, 12:02am
So many perfect drivers here Its unbelievable BTW people wouldn't get into the situation If the police and camera operators followed correct legislation and were not driven to dirty tactics trying to meet Key performance indicators to generate false statistics that makes them look like they are doing a good job.When in-fact those statistics have been generated by Illegal actions/operations and if you are going to take the police only act within the law then more fool you. Police are trained to take advantage of simpletons like yourselves to scared or dumb to speak up or know what is right or wrong. Wake up and smell the coffee. Our laws will never be enforced by 100% honest by the book police. I think a good example of this is the terror raids. Those people stood up and said you cant do that you acted outside the law and for that the charges were dropped.
Sep 18, 1:21am
i am not hiding anything , i remember the day well. i was going about 50k until i was real close to the sign, then i accelerate as commensense dictates . , i am going to contest this one in court.i think it is disgusting . it is now $200 for my big crime .
Sep 18, 1:58am
I recently went to court over a minor speeding fine, The judge castigated me for my not guilty plea and told me I was wasting the courts time over such a trivial matter. I told her I totally agreed with her over the trivial nature of the offence, and surely it should be dismissed to allow the court to concentrate on bigger issues. It was.
Sep 18, 2:55am
Poster #81.Can you tell us the make-up of the $200 fine you quote, please!I thought you said it was $170.And you could have begun accelerating after the 100kph sign and you would have been okay.Oh well, we live and learn.
Sep 18, 3:02am
Ok lets look at this from a courts perspective
"photograph shows 1 metre short of the open road sign , coming out of a 50 k zone going into 100k zone. , i get pinged for going 71k "
The last part is what has got you!If you had done that on your driving test you would have failed to get your licence as well.You pretty much have admitted to doing in excess of 21kph over the speedlimit before the sign. But then we also only have your word that the photo was taken within 1 metre of the sign.
All I can say is good luck with that one and let us know how you get on.Be interesting to hear the outcome for future court challenges.
Sep 18, 3:03am
.as for performance indicators.I understand (and have verified this) the mobile speed cameras are only required to perform for a certain number of hours per month/year.Having set the camera up correctly anything that is pjnged by the camera is outside the control of the operator.If you believe a camera vehicle is set up incorrectly (e.g within 250 metres of a change from a higher to a lower speed; within 250 metres of the end of a designated passing lane; vehicle is completely hidden or camouflaged or disguised in any way; parked or stopped dangerously etc; or anything else you consider unfair then report it immediately.That's your right after all.By the way claiming it is hidden when in fact it can be seen at any time during your passage past it, makes your claim invalid - it was seen, by you, after all.
Sep 18, 3:38am
Unfortunately you can not always foresee this till the ticket arrives which in my case I wrote away several times if my speed had of been 54+ I would of paid up They were claiming the camera was in a school zone and because it was a sat they also claimed it was a sports day both claims were incorrect, The camera operator would of been the one supplying this information. If he did not have to meet certain kpi why would one try such dishonest tactics.
Sep 18, 4:39am
fine was $170 , justice department have added $30 "court costs" (although haven't been to court) .
for me , it is a matter of principle, in the sense that it isn't right to operate on the margins like this.the photograph shows the bonnet of my car touching the open road sign. photowas takenat some unknown distance from behind my car.i have had four speeding tickets in 30 years.i will try and upload photo if anyone is interesed.
Sep 18, 5:30am
Go on upload it "Radar/laser equipment can be used on all roads; however, these guidelines must be followed: When enforcement is undertaken in an area where drivers are making a transition from a higher speed to a lower speed area, vehicles are not targeted within 250 metres from the point where the posted speed changes. Unless there is good reason to do so, such as protecting people operating road works or to ensure the safety of children. This does not apply in a school zone. "
Sep 18, 2:06pm
you cannot challenge a ticket when it has gone to court!
Sep 18, 5:28pm
You would think that because only one 'minor motoring matter' is enduringlytargeted, the one you happen to obey. In this country you can be a shocking driver and never even come to Police attention unless you exceed the arbitrary posted limit.
Sep 18, 5:29pm
The infringement offence notice has been to court without you because you didn't request a defended hearing.
Sep 18, 5:30pm
Yes, you can.
Sep 18, 5:52pm
Hey crzyhrse.Under what rule or law can you do that!Just asking.
Sep 18, 5:55pm
Hey loonee-dial-111.Spot on!Excellent summary - shoulda posted that earlier and it woulda been a shorta threada.but then it would not have been as entertaining!
Sep 18, 7:29pm
you mean copy and pasted from a link earlier to the police website.the rest of the guidlines are in the link. Including this one
These principles apply, other than in exceptional circumstances. Drivers who are detected??
Nov 7, 8:54am
Appeal within 28-days or you may have grounds for a re-hearing.
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