The 20 something bloke next door has snow tyres on all four wheels of his Porsche boxster. Should I leave a note to let him know it may not be safe, or should I mind my own business as his car has a current WOF! This being Wellington and it approaching summer, snow tyres could be really dangerous on a sports car, but then again the car has a recent WOF, so how bad could it be!
Oct 8, 7:55pm
Its not illegal to have a set of four snow tyres on a vehicle as long as they are all above 4mm tread depth.As an intelligent and wealthy Porsche owner he should be aware of how and where snow tyres should be used, I wouldn't say anything.
Oct 8, 8:00pm
Chances are they're neither of those things and the car came with them from Japan.
I agree leave it to them though, it should be immediately obvious to the driver that the car has much lower limits in the dry anyway.
Oct 8, 8:00pm
This bloke is a foreign student and the car is a recently purchased used import, so he may not be as clued up as the typically well informed porsche driver. But then again it isn't my business, so I will leave him too it most likely.
Oct 8, 8:58pm
I would just let him know next time you see him.
Oct 8, 9:04pm
yeah, it can't hurt to be friendly.
Oct 8, 9:06pm
Would snow tires make it through compliance!
Oct 8, 9:14pm
if they are matched and have more than 4mm of tread with no defects ie cracking then yes they will get through compliance.
Oct 8, 9:20pm
Thanks for the reminder.Must take off the snow tyres after Labour Weekend :)
Oct 8, 9:20pm
no harm done by letting them know. how would your conscience be if they had an accident that you may have prevented!
Oct 8, 9:23pm
Well, if the owner of the Porsche was 'jagman24', I wouldn't say anything.
Oct 8, 9:26pm
they not your fav!
Oct 8, 9:27pm
I would ask him how he fits his skis in the car.
Oct 8, 9:33pm
Tactful ;)
Unless you have a 4wd having snow tyres will make little differance when you head up to the ski areas.Either the Highways will be closed and your insurance voided or the the ski area staff will insist on chains being fitted.Snow tyres fitted to 2wds are wasted in this country especially the North Island.
Oct 8, 10:26pm
Yeah, tell him. Or ask him why he uses them.
As long as you're not a d*ck about it, he should be grateful.
if it bothers you that much, just put an anonamous letter in their letterbox stating your concerns.with any luck they may give a toss and be able to read english.
Oct 8, 11:42pm
Just mind your own business
Oct 8, 11:48pm
Snow tyres are not illegal, there is nothing like busy bodys. Yes there is requirements for them but they are not illegal full stop.
Oct 8, 11:53pm
i had snow tires on my jap import van. they were fine, until i was in dunedin in winter on frosty/icy roads. bloody lethal things. no traction and crawling along at 40k as everyone else roared past at 80-100k. a very unsettling experience.
Oct 9, 12:35am
Let's ban dying! that'll teach em. -_-
Dec 19, 5:04am
friends had them on one of those retro chrysler things and she skidded off the road in kumeu and wrote it off - sure he won`t mind you mentioning they may be unsafe.
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