What about this story on Stuff about the Indian female automotive engineering graduate who can't find a job, is she really the victim of racsim and/or sexism in the motoring industy!
What we need is a trial by media. That always right gets to the truth of the matter.
Jan 17, 12:14am
I expect so.
Sounds like she was working in the industry in India but had to retrain here to get NZ qualifications.
The guy from Giltrap sounds like he's just thinking up any excuse he can to me.
Jan 17, 12:49am
I would hire a woman. No worries. If she is a good mechanic then bargain. You have 3 months to find out now so can pass her on if she is no good. Alot of women have good work ethics and I have always found indians to be hard workers.
Jan 17, 1:23am
Thats BS coming out of Giltraps. We had a female Tech and she was keen and hard working. The second language statement is BS also as in a dealership like Giltraps the Techs don't even talk to the customers thats the job of the Service Advisor.
Jan 17, 1:45am
i work in male dominant job & it makes me more determined to do everything the men can do & to do it to higher standard. This may be the same for other females prehaps.!
Jan 17, 2:03am
Come on guys there must be some one than can help! Giltraps you are a tosser
Jan 17, 3:28am
I used to getenquirerysmonthlyfrom India ,. Pakistanetc forfridge/ acjobhere,qualifications as long as your armfromtrade schoolsbut neverturned a spanner, no practical experience . .They needed a confimedjob to get in to NZthen the rest of the family can come .
Jan 17, 3:43am
and how much chance does a male have getting a job in a kindy .- .
Jan 17, 3:56am
Just because unwarranted sexual discrimination exists in the primary and preschool sector, doesn't mean it's ok to have unwarranted sexual discrimination in every sector.
Anyway, true they are under-represented due to the "stigma" that some society places on them, but from what I have anecdotally heard, many centres would be grabbing suitable male teachers precisely because there is a shortage and male role models are seen as a positive in providing balance to an early child hood education.
Jan 17, 4:15am
Gotta love a sob story to pull the heart strings of do gooders. She was a service advisor and has 'just graduated', so her REAL WORLD experience ie on the workshop floor is probably sweet farrk all, if she doesn't like it maybe she should move back home and set up shop there! The whole industry will be guaranteed to tippy toe around ethnic women in future to prevent crap like this they call newsappearing. If in doubt pull the race card.
Jan 17, 4:25am
Regardless of theoretical qualifications, there is no substitute for actual time on the spanners.Seems to me that this woman has plenty of qualifications but virtually no practical experience and then wonders why she doesn't walk straight into a job in the trade.A few pieces of paper to say she has completed a few courses doesn't mean she is a capable mechanic.
Seems that she is running out of actual excuses for not securing a job so has pulled the racism card in an attempt to force someone into employing her before she is sent packing.
Jan 17, 4:30am
So what course did she do - don't apprentices do on the job plus polytech training any more these days!
Jan 17, 4:39am
A few friends did automotive courses at Unitec a few years back, I remember that it was a mixture of both bookwork and practical. Basically it was learning from the books and then doing the practical on the cars.
Jan 17, 4:42am
That depends entirely on the person. I've known some right cretins who despite many years of experience didn't know bugger all and some who fresh out of school knew much more than they did. Many complete fallicies are learned on the tools.
Jan 17, 4:44am
As opposed to an apprenticeship where you work on cars daily in a workshop and have competencies marked of by your supervisor and checked by the apprenticeship board.You attend block courses throughout the year to cover the theory part of the job.
A lot different to trying to simulate day to day repairs in a classroom.
Jan 17, 4:48am
I have found that the majority of mechanics that don't know their stuff, end up finding another job, usually in another trade.Word of who can and can't do the job gets around other workshops very quickly.
Jan 17, 5:26am
What he's saying is "I don't want to hire her" and he has every right to say that, except because this is a country of PC weaklings who rely on television and womans day magazines for an education he's expected give actual reasons.
If you'd all hire her then give her a call yourselves.
Simply having all of the required bulletpoint skills on a bit of paper doesn't qualify you to work anywhere. If the manager, operator or staff don't "gel" with you and vice versa then you're not a good fit, regardless what your CV says.
Jan 17, 5:38am
I don't think squeaking to the media has increased her chances somehow of gaining work, or that of others in a similar predicament.Agree totally with #11.I also don't think that an employer should have to justify to anyone why they won't hire any particular candidate.If she doesn't like it then get a one way ticket home, you'd think that these people would have got the message by now that most job ads state that you need to have the right to live and work in NZ before even applying, you are wasting peoples time otherwise.
Jan 17, 5:53am
They retrain as plumbers, electricians or builders.
Jan 17, 6:41am
How does she get the practical knowlege if she can't get a job!
Jan 17, 6:49am
What male would want to work in a place of screaming bratts! Isn't that what females are for!
Jan 17, 6:55am
her degree is not recognised here . have you been to india. if so then you know why a degree from india wont be recognised as it is more then worthless. hereyu go lol they called the AA instead http://www.youtube.com/watch!v=Zo31HL19JLw&feature=related
Jan 17, 6:59am
No they get a job at VTNZ
Jan 17, 7:09am
being into cars and showing an interest - eg clearly be into your own car / mates cars / family members / motorsport.
something is for sure though- if i had a workshop, i would not be hiring Rushika Patel because she likes to whinge to the media and plays the rascism card when things dont go her way
Not a risk i'd be willing to take.
i'd much rather hire the geoff or barry from here in nz who can take all the rascism / sexism / whateverism/ general shit talking that mechanic's do amoungst themselves so well without even batting an eyelid.
HR problems are the last thing any workplace needs.
sorry Rushika Patel - you've shot yourself in the foot here in NZ by going public - might as well pack up and head back to india now
one more thing, and although it's rascist as, its a common perception-a lot of people in nz as a rule don't like indians and see them all as scammy / will rip you off. this is largely fuelled by the vast number of india related scams such as the "computer virus" phone calls that ran rampant last year- the trust is gone.sure it's a few ruining it for the rest, but that's how the world works
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