Not sure if this is the right place but here goes.
We got our local mechanic to re-gas our airconditioning unit in our Holden Station Wagon, initial re-gas cost $125.00 - the gas leaked out overnight so we took vehicle back, they said oh its got a leak it needs to be repaired so we dished out another $125.00 plus $75 for parts etc.
Thought that was the end of that, but less than two months later the gas has leaked out yet again, we took it back to the same mechanic and was told oh there is another hole but barely detectable,so wasnt picked up on the 2nd visit, if we need it fixed it will cost us another $900!
I think this is outrageous! If it was such a "major" problem costing $900 surely that would have been picked up first time especially after our mechanic reckons he spent "4 hours" trying to find it, which I find really hard to believe.
Anyway do I have grounds to lay a complaint with consumer affairs under our fair trading act here in Melbourne!Any advice would be appreciated.
Feb 2, 11:56pm
not sure what relevant advice you'll get if you're in aussie!but as a matter of interest this exact same scenario happened to me a while ago.
Mechanic kept doing different things to fix the AC and the bills kept mounting. far be it from me to hassle mechanics in general, but i think they should be able to recognise that they're in too deep and stop racking up the clients bills!
Feb 3, 12:01am
Let me guess. first time was a regass. second time was replace o-rings third time it needs a new condensor!
You'll probably find that when they gave you the regass, they warned you that you will still be charged if they found a leak. If it took a couple of months for the gas to leak out the second time, it probably wasn't enough to show up when they checked with dye. sad but I think you'll just have to lump it. there isn't any legal comeback unless they have faulty workmanship/parts. maybe they will cut you a better price as a gesture of goodwill!
Feb 3, 12:02am
I just want to be able to get a refund, even partial so I can get it fixed that is all.
Feb 3, 12:06am
yep hit it on the head with your
I guess if this problem was picked up earlier, than we can weigh up our options at that time, but its like we are being held to ransom for it.
I did ring the consumer affairs hotline, and they reckon to get a second opinion/inspection and get that mechanic to detail everything in writing, then write a letter to the mechanic in question and request refund.
Feb 3, 12:10am
Unfortunately its the way it goes with Leaks, particularly Air Con.
The problem with diagnosing Air Con leaks, is that you can only put A/C Gas in it - you can pressurise the system with say coolant or oil and check for leaks that way.
Then, if its an obvious leak like the second visit, they would of been able to detect it by the green dye that goes in with the A/C Gas.
A slow leak from a Condenser, over two months worth as you stated, I would very highly doubt would of been detected or could have been at the time of the second regas. If it took that much time to leak out then they certainly wouldn't of seen any signs of it and the pressures etc would have all held up and shown no sign of a leak.
Theres always the possibility that the Condenser started leaking after the second regas, and a stone or anything small like that can flick up into the front of the car and cause it - if it was leaking from somewhere they had previously fixed, like the O-Rings, then sure you could get a refund . but since its somewhere else, and over two months, tough bikkies.
It's just the way it goes unfortunately.
Feb 3, 12:13am
Thats the trouble with AC once starts leakingfix it 1&another1starts, only cure isrecon thewholesystem, some flare joins cant get to as in the evaporatorbox buriedbehind the dash& often dash has to come out to fix leaks in the core .Even with an electronic detector ( which costs $1000& not many mechs would have 1 )still hard to find . Best take it to aautoACcrowd,
Feb 3, 12:18am
thanks for all your advice everybody, appreciate it.
Feb 3, 12:35am
one easy way to find leaks is recharge the system with R290 then run a naked flame over the unit. and whamo you'll find it
Feb 3, 12:59am
If the gas leaked out overnight, that is just not good enough. Before system was re-gassed, it should have been vac'd and left in a vac'd state to insure the system had no major leaks. If gas leaked out over night, the leak would have been picked up with the vac test. I would always recommend going to an A/C shop for A/C questions & repairs. In OZ you must have a cert to do air con. Google VASA for more info. Maybe a bit late now though sorry
Feb 3, 1:21am
Unfortunately in oz there is a lot of competition for a/c regassing, many are not done properly and don't follow the legislation regarding checking a/c systems before they regass - there are a lot of cowboys in the a/c business in oz
Feb 3, 1:34am
So based on your info, does this mean that I have some chance of getting my money back as it seems they didnt do the right tests to begin with!
Feb 3, 1:43am
Ok just did a search on VASA for the mechanic involved, it dosent come up as a registered member. Have emailed VASA for further info regarding certification.Thanks heaps for that piece of advice!
Feb 3, 1:53am
Small suggestion for the future, A/C systems require frequent use all year around to remain functioning otherwise the likes of the o rings dry out. It is a case of use it or loose it.
Feb 3, 2:18am
Just leave it on all the time! I leave mine on all the time. When I bought my AU falcon it wasnt that cold at all. I just kept it on and running it now its cold as.
Feb 3, 2:35am
elviralo --look you are in Melbourne AUSTRALIA. You are askingpeople in New Zealandadvice as to your legal rightsin AUSTRALIA. It doesn't work like that. You need to ask someone in australia about legal rights there
Feb 3, 3:16am
I already have started if you had read the whole thread, and OF COURSE I realise it may be different here, but putting aside the geographical differences, does the mechanic have any kind of obligation that is what I am wondering.
Feb 3, 3:19am
no he dosn't. End of story.
Feb 3, 3:23am
So if in my shoes you would gladly disregard the fact that you have forked out almost $400 for pretty much nothing! Ok.
Feb 3, 4:03am
yes unfortunatly that is the case. you should service the aircon on time and not wait till its stops thats the thing with aircons i dont even bother to try and book a faulty aircon in for fixing as the repairs is usually in the upper hundets if not thousends. Only argument you would have if they did not tell you that a regas myght not fix the problem, but how will you proof they never warned you, you unfortunatly wont be able to.
Feb 3, 4:52am
As others have said, you have nothing stand on. If it was a part they replaced that then was faulty again you would have some ground to stand on. That's not the case, and unfortunately with A/C Systems its the way it goes, there is no easy way to find a slow leak over 2 months without it happening and tracing the dye/trail. Chalk it up as experience.
And as others said, it is recommended to use your Air Con at least once a week, otherwise those things do happen - if nothing else, Air Con is great for demisting your windows in the morning.
Feb 3, 5:00am
Yes. Bad luck.
Feb 3, 5:09am
If your aircon/ refridgeration guy doesn't have a gas detector ditch him. I found this out the expensive way by giving someone the opportunity to come back and try to refix things and all he was doing was guessing the whole time because he didn't have the right tools for the job.
Feb 3, 6:49am
HOW IN THE NAME OF ALL THATS HOLEY would kiwi's know what the legal obligation is is AUSTRALIA. Dunno if you worked it out but its a whole different country with an entirely different set of consumer laws.
Feb 3, 7:01am
Aussie tradesman = conman, I made a antique reproduction oak extension table here in NZ, it was sent to Brisbane for a customer, this table is a 2 man job to lift however 1 delivery guy was sent to deliver and dropped it on the corner leg, a repairman was sent out to repair I talked to himover the phonehow to repair and was about 1/2 an hour job on site, we got a billfor $1200! Though we were reimbursed 3 months later from insurance company
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