Car Rego Lapsed 2 Months Ago Cost Of Revinning etc

ema1, Jan 17, 3:21am
Car I might be interested in has had its rego lapse 2 months back, car seems to be a tidy example, not damaged or anything like that.
Would appear the owner was lax.pity.
What's the procedure regarding re-vinning etc, plus cost .
I know its costly but wondering just how dear as I haven't been down this track before.
Can get the car for sweeties actually!
WOF also expired!

rus_the_dallas, Jan 17, 5:16am

That tells you the process. Probably get a price from VTNZ or one of the other vehicle licensing agents. It only needs a compliance check, fill out a few forms, WOF/COF and rego label etc

fishybussiness, Jan 17, 5:19am
Im in the same boat with one of my own cars total cost to re licence/compliance e.t.c i was quoted around $1000 that includes 3 months new rego

msigg, Dec 31, 4:11pm
if it is only two months gone then you do not need to revin. go get a warrant of fitness and pay for a nnew rego back to the date it lapse.