2003 subaru wagon it smokes both turbos are blowen

tumekegolfer, Nov 26, 12:42am
hello can some one tell me the car smokes is that the turbos both turbos are blowen i,m just wandering if its worth buying and fix up i,m not to sure what turbo goes into this model

jason18, Nov 26, 1:38am
An 03 is it not the newer single turbo model!

jason18, Nov 26, 1:39am
Its usually the primary that goes.

tumekegolfer, Nov 26, 1:51am
would that be the reason for smoke or would you have another thought please and which is the primary the 33 or the 32 please

tumekegolfer, Nov 26, 1:57am
thankyou for your answers jason

jason18, Nov 26, 11:56am
Yeah usually when turbo goes it can smoke. The 33 will be the primary and its on the passenger side. It could be a turbo oil seal or something but these cant be rebuilt from what I am told or if they can it is quite expensive. I just bought a low km vf33 that I will be fitting to mine as mine is making a whining sound. Mechanic reckons they can live for years with a whine but thought I would rather be safe. VF33 is quite a hard turbo to find. May sell my old one as is onceI take out and access how much movement it has

jason18, Nov 26, 11:56am
Does it boost at all!

hijacka, Nov 26, 1:31pm
The turbo ''whine'' noise could be because its a Ball bearing turbo Jason!.
A shutdown or spoolup whine from a BB turbo such as vf33 is normal. remove the down pipe and if you find it has no shaft play then leave it. #1 Buying a broken down Subaru is a big gamble, The turbo might be blown but then the headgasket could be as well as the bearings, if the primary turbo has blown a oil seal then oil starvation might be the underlining course from high speed cornering or lack of oil from oil leaks which can also course it to run rod and BE bearings as well, Fact is if you are shopping for a broken down Subaru be prepared to rebuild it or you might end up disappointed. A leakdown test would be beneficial as well as converting it to single turbo.
End of the day if you have to pay someone to fix it then its probably not worth it.

jason18, Nov 26, 4:27pm
Yeah I had it checked out and they said its a definate bearing noise but its not a healthy noise. Definately very very loud but could hold on for a few years depending how I treat it.

hijacka, Nov 27, 12:12am
Mmm if thats the case then Jas I'd suggest not driving it till its changed out as metal files from the worn turbo bearings could course rod/BE bearing and bore damage.

jason18, Nov 27, 2:37am
Oh true mechanic said he wouldn't worry about it. I have a new one on the way.

tumekegolfer, Nov 27, 2:51am
thanks jason you huys are awesome thanks for your feedback

tumekegolfer, Nov 27, 2:53am
i would like to thank every one in this discussioni,m not going to buy it thanks very much.have a great christmas one and all

jason18, Nov 26, 1:38am
If its wtwin turbo it will be vf33 and vf32 and most likely both turbos wont have gone.