Well problem sorted,it turned out to be the coil,although we were getting spark it was very weak so thanks for all the thoughts and queries above,cheers.
Jan 16, 5:12pm
Now you've got to check the rest of the ignition system, the usual reason Falcon coils blow is because they've been overheated due to too much resistance in the HT circuit, mostly caused by burnt out distributor caps that should have been changed years ago.
Jan 16, 5:50pm
Yup, plugs, leads, cap, rotor and coil, should be on the front page of every 90's falcon manual! Page 2, dizzy module.
Jan 17, 3:28am
yeah changed the leads,plugs,dizzy and rotor,now it pulls the mean skin off a rice pudding,,eat my dust scotty ya dreamer!.
Nov 26, 1:10pm
My mate had a bit of corrosion on the battery terminals so he got some boiling water and dissolved it but now when he goes to start it the engine just cranks over but won't fire,we replaced the 3 fusible links next to the battery as they were a bit wet but still no go.Could it be one of the main fuses(as in the sqaure bulky type ones) any ideas appreciated.
Nov 26, 1:11pm
try another battery as you maynot be getting a full 12volts to start the car.
Nov 26, 1:24pm
Tried another battery but still just cranks.
Nov 26, 1:36pm
have you got spark ! take out spark plug and insert into HT lead and earth to motor, crank motor and see if you get a fat blue spark. If not then maybe your coil is gone
Nov 26, 2:04pm
Will give that a try.
Nov 26, 2:14pm
Can you hear the fuel pump working in the boot they have relays under the surge tank for the radiator.
Nov 26, 2:40pm
Failing that, check the fuel pressure. If you have no fuel, replace the fuel pump relay with another one that looks the same (fans, air con maybe!). If you still have no fuel, then your pump may be toast.
Nov 26, 2:41pm
Yep the fuel pump does its little whiirr noise for a second when the keys turned on.
Nov 26, 3:02pm
Should of used plain old Coca Cola!Works a treat every time :-)
Nov 26, 3:11pm
OK, assuming the fuel pump is OK, have you checked for spark! You haven't disconnected anything else by accident!
Nov 26, 3:22pm
I will be heading over to his place a little bit later today so we will check all the above theories and see how we go,any other thoughts will be helpful also.
Dec 3, 2:00pm
Tried all the above trouble shooting and changed the fusible links and all main fuses but still no go,not sure what to do next except for taking it to an auto electrician.
Dec 3, 3:31pm
So you got gas and spark but is the spark erratic. Could have blowen your ignition module. After marking where your dissy sits turn it both ways when starting and if it starts and runs bad its prob the module.
Apr 28, 6:13am
Tacho moving when cranking!
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