List of happenings : Takes 2 - 3 min to start. Once going it sounds great. Will die mid drive and sometimes restart itself. Will die sometimes at stop signs etc. When it stops mid drive its a pain to start again. Sometimes will run on 2/6 for 20seconds then all good again
Prob unrelated but i offer the info just in case : Starter pinion sometimes does not engage. When it does not engage i turn all the electrics off and it will start. Prob just a dry pinion shaft .
Ill be back in an hour to see if my prob is an easy fix. Hoping just afm or the like but its not my field
Jun 20, 10:30pm
More info :
Just picked up the kids and its stopped twice. First time diving along (rural) at 100 ks and the rpms go. I put her into N and then it almost started by itself but before it could start it let out a big bang with lots of black smoke and crawled to a stop. Got it started 4 -5 min later but only got 1 k up the road and she died again. This time it would just not start after 5 min so I put my foot flat and she started within 1 min. Got back home fine.
Jun 20, 10:55pm
Not enough info. ok
Prob unrelated : Once yesterday after starting the smart lock light did not turn off. Never done that before or again. I didn't think it would even work like that
Jun 21, 12:19am
Ya I have a 96 el thats doing something similar it wont start at all now.
Jun 21, 1:26am
#4 well I hope the info we get from here will help
The revs wont go below 900. should be about 450
Jun 21, 1:33am
It'll be the distributor, common issue on these
Jun 21, 2:43am
That doesn't explain the starter motor issues, I'd pick that there was a bad ground or power supply/fusible link connection somewhere, or even something simple like a battery terminal not connecting properly.Also the OP hasn't stated whether the car is an ED or EF, EF's don't have distributors!
Jun 21, 12:32pm
Cheers guys. its an ED
Will have a good look over the electrics and check the dissy but not sure bout than. What am i looking for with the dissy
Jun 21, 1:06pm
It should have the ignition module bolted on the side of dizzy it might need replacing had or one done about 1year ago.
Jun 22, 7:03am
Apart from either Hall sensor or TFI module problems, a very likely possibility is the EFI main relay, its the brown coloured one underneath the coolant surge tank.When these fail it can cause all sorts of erratic problems as it interrupts power completely or causes voltage drop to the whole fuel injection and ignition system, including the fuel pump.You can sometimes get them to malfunction by tapping them with a screwdriver handle with the engine running, if it dies or misfires you need a new one.
Jun 22, 9:23pm
I will let you all know how I get on. May not get to look at it again till the weekend
Jun 22, 10:22pm
An easy diagnostic is to note as it stalls whether the rev counter suddenly drops or gradually drops.if its a sudden drop then electrics are at fault. If gradual then I would suspect fuel related issues. If all else fails because you have such varied feedback here get an $80 scan done which will usually point to the faulty sensor.
Shop around for scan prices to as you do not need to got to the Dealership for this .most Auto electricians have scanning gear and charge a lot less.
Cheers CeeBee (Auto Tech 30 years)
Cheers CeeBee (Auto Tech 30 years)
Jun 23, 2:33am
actually a 1994 falcon should be an EF model in which case it wont have a distributor and will have a coil pack and crank sensor, this may be the issue,
if its an ED or EL which is lightly earlier and slightly later than yours it will have a distributor, in which case most likely the module or the hall sensor in the distributor.
your unrelated starter motor issue sounds as if the drive clutch/pinion is worn, typical bosch issue
Jun 23, 2:36am
What they said.
Jun 24, 5:40am
Yea 94 ED
Jun 30, 1:49am
On the mend tomorrow.
I appreciate all the input and will let you know how it all goes
Jun 30, 5:13am
30 years! It must have been 30 years mostly with your eyes shut and ears blocked. No need to 'scan' an ED. Just short the correct pins on the OBD connector, hook up a test light and read the KOEO error codes yourself.
A quick google will tell you exactly how.
Jun 30, 5:17am
Just be aware that the code is merely the start point. It doesn't necessarily mean that the component it's pointing to is faulty. It could also be a wiring problem.
Jun 30, 6:08am
hey sounds like a problem i had with my ed v8 replaced fuel pump, fuel filter,dizzy, battery wires, efi relay, smart lock. got it all checked over at auto electritions they sent the computer away to a specialist and said there was not nothing wrong at all with the computer. after selling it new owner put evrything into another car and still cut out backfired when trying to start it. pain in the ass etc. he put a new computer in it and its sweet could be computer. good luck with finding out what it is.
Jun 30, 6:09am
craig thats something alse you could try the computer.
Aug 16, 10:48am
I have struck on a couple of xr6 the plug in chip in bottom of some computers giving problems remove and all good not all xr6's have em only if they have been modified
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