Subaru Legacy 250T

aaron101, Jan 22, 8:26pm
so we have a 1997 sub legacy which is a wee bit sad, it has oil leaking and the check engine light comes on at least once when we take it driving (unless of course its just 5-10 mins down the road), which causes it to lose its guts, not literally of course just you can have your foot to the ground and it doesn't pick up a lot of speed.
Since we don't actually need it or want it, we are not willing to spend the money to get it repaired so we are thinking of selling AS IS. it has 147k on it, still runs well most of the time and would go fab when fixed up, comfy to drive, pretty economical as far as subs go, so what would be a good asking price! we've done a bit of research on here with similar ones but the sellers IMO seem to want a lot for them. even the ones that sound sad like ours!

franc123, Jan 22, 10:19am
Have you checked the actual selling prices by looking at expired listings!Big difference between what people want and what they get, theres far too many defective ones on the market to be commanding good sale prices.That model also has a bad rep for head gaskets, even though most of them have been fixed by now.If that is the only problem it might be worth just getting a diagnostic done to get an idea of whats wrong, it could be something straightforward like a dying air flow meter.