No, not me, I just came in to commend you for knowing when to use an "an". Cool!
Jan 22, 9:46pm
Jan 22, 9:51pm
Thanks.And its a petrol, manual one.
Jan 22, 10:26pm
In between trips to the garage you will probably have a ball.The big thing to avoid is anything with a Selespeed trans in it.
Jan 22, 10:36pm
how can i tell if its got the Selespeed trans! Its only had one or two owners and it has a complete service history.
Jan 22, 10:50pm
Wife runs a 156 Selespeed, which means I look after it. Had it about 2 years now.
Handles real nice. Looks good. Comfy. Cosy - maybe a touch too cosy in the footwell area for me.
The Selespeed is a bit of a pain around town - intersections and such like. For all its' 'intelligence' it's still not as intelligent as me and takes a microsecond too long to get its' A into G .or gear into 1st literally. However, it's a quirk and you soon learn how to get around it - use manual when you know you will need it.
Have had a couple of hefty bills for it. None related to the Selespeed, which everyone keeps on about. But in those two years I've spent a quarter the price my bro-in-law has fixing his jappas. So, I suppose it hasn't done too badly.
Jan 22, 10:52pm
Selespeed is the clutchless manual. It has paddles behind the steering wheel to change gears but no clutch pedal.
Stick with the proper manual boxes.
Alfa Romeos are a whole lot of car for the money. They have a few niggles, but when everything is working properly they are sheer joy.
Jan 22, 10:54pm
its a 2.5L V6 model if that helps too. Are these cambelt or chain driven!
Jan 22, 10:59pm
Thats pretty much the same as i am looking at.Are all the manuals 6 speed!
Jan 22, 11:04pm
The V6 models, yes.
Jan 22, 11:14pm
oh great.Might think seriously about buying it then! Whats the general value! Its in tidy nick with just over 100kms
Jan 23, 12:25am
Hi hydroman,
All V6 Alfa's have either a regular Auto (with a neat H gate over-ride function) or a 6 speed manual
They are a phenominal car and actually very reliable.
There is one BIG catch you need to be aware of though. That is the 60K cambelt change. With the engine being very tight in the engine bay and baing a sophisticated V6 to do this job properly can cost over $2000.
Jan 23, 12:26am
What are you looking for in a car! Do you really want a lot of grunt or just enough to have some fun thats a bit more economic fuel and servicing wise!
Jan 23, 12:28am
The colour of that one will affect the resale. I like the one owner kiwi new tidyness but it really is a bit overpriced at that. Especially as there is no mention of where the cambelt service is at and its not the "facelift" one that fetches more.
Jan 23, 12:30am
The one im looking at had the cambelt done at 75km, and is now on 120km - so still a little while left. Looking for something thats fun and comfortable to drive as well as looks good.Not too worried about fuel economy at all as it is just for the weekends.
Jan 23, 12:35am
Thats only 15K to go, how many years ago was it changed!
The V6 will definitely fit the bill for what you are looking for. I would also suggest you consider a nice 2.0 Twin spark with manual transmission as well should one come up.
Be aware that what was said about the selespeed having paddles behind the steering wheel was not quite correct. Early ones (in fact most 156's have buttons on the wheel) you need to know exactly what the gear lever on a manual one looks like if you want to spot it from a picture.
Jan 23, 12:42am
It is a manual one - can tell from the pic - and is floor shift! No paddles here. Unsure how many years ago it was changed though.But they have got receipts for everything
Jan 23, 12:46am
Also, be aware that the 2.5 is generally higher spec all around. Most have a really nice leather Momo interior. The 2.5's also have side airbags on some models.
Try and get to know what a 2.5 should sound like, there are a number of rattles that can give away problematic ones. You have hit on an excellent car for the money and what you are looking for BTW. They are a lovely and potentially quite reliable car with surprisingly affordable parts.
Keep an eye out for rust bubbles appearing under the window rubbers, those strips are easily replaced but if really bad can eat through the galvanising on the tops of the doors causing more difficulties.
Also, carefully check the operation of the alarm several times as this is a common fault (but not major). Take your time, if there is a fault with an Alfa its usually fairly minor (assuming proper timing belt service) but there can often be quite a few minor problems with one car if neglected.
Check all electrics and A/C heater operation thoroughly. The little plastic bushes in the manual transmission can break causing shift issues so don't necessarily panic if you find problems there until you know thecause.
Jan 23, 12:47am
Thats right NO V6 alfa has selespeed. What auto ones are there are just that auto ones (called Q System) the only selespeeds are found with the 2.0 engine. So any 2.0 they are calling auto is in fact selespeed.
Be aware, that the selespeed 2.0's still have a normal looking floor shifter.
Find out how many years ago the cambelt was done, you wouldn't want to push it past 5 years between changes.
Jan 23, 12:51am
Price wise, I would be reluctant to pay much beyond 7K for even a very nice example that close to needing a cambelt. Wagons however are worth a bit more, as are ones that have just had a cambelt.
Red examples sell a lot easier and at a premium. Momo interior, the bigger alloys etc all help the price.
A well used but looked after example needing a cambelt soon can go as cheap as 4K
Hopefully that will give you some idea of pricing.
Jan 23, 12:52am
Better than bloody silver!
If the Clio wasn't such a hoot to drive I would have traded it long ago.
Jan 23, 1:09am
Yes definitely better than silver. they look nice in black too IMO. Its just particularly prevalent with Alfa's that red seems to really command a premium and a lot of buyers are after red.
I can assure you the Alfa is a hoot to drive as well. but fuel consumption and cambelts are dearer!
If you are patient and enjoy a challenge you can of course do them yourself for a few hundred dollars. Its not a job for a rip stip and bust type though!
I am not nocking that one you mentioned BTW, I just felt it a little expensive especially if a cambelt was due soon. It does look lovely and clean and with service records thats a big plus as well.
Jan 23, 1:42am
4 years ago in march apparently
oh and its silver
Jan 23, 1:48am
I would buy one in an instant if I could. However I have a van, Mrs Stevo has her car and we have a weekend fun car as well. Not allowed to buy an Alfa as a 2nd toy. :( cheers stevo
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